Title: Good Day
Word Count: 312
Rating: G
Original/Fandom: original (part of my
Zeke Jones ‘verse)
Pairings: none
Warnings: none
Summary: Zeke and Howell share a quiet full moon night in.
Good Day
My partner was still human when I opened the door to the werewolf bunker and slipped inside. He already had his shirt off, so I immediately clapped a hand over my eyes and turned around, giving him privacy to get undressed before the moon rose.
“Brought you a present, sir,” I said, eyes closed. “For the holiday.”
“What holiday?” asked Howell, from behind me, but I could feel the- ripple was the best word to describe it, the werewolf transformation. It was fairly instantaneous, actually, especially when done intentionally. It was a little more drawn out on the full moon, but even without looking at Howell, I could feel the weird air-shifting sensation of the change.
The next sound came from distinctly lower than my partner’s previous head height, and I turned to smile at his wolf form.
“Friday the thirteenth,” I said. “And do you know what’s the perfect way to celebrate it?”
His pale eyes narrowed.
I only grinned. “Say hello, Sammy.”
A tiny, furry head peeked out from my backpack, and my fairy cat let out a loud mew.
Howell moved to the stack of battered pillows in one corner of the room as I carefully shrugged out of the backpack, letting Samhain climb out as soon as it was near enough to the ground. You’d think that cats and wolves wouldn’t get along, but Sammy loved my partner. I grinned even wider as I watched my tiny kitten scale Howell’s side, fluffing his fur with her claws for a moment before curling up on his shoulder.
I settled into the cushions on his other side, and Howell twisted to rest his snout just above my knee. I rooted in my backpack for a moment, then pulled out a well-worn paperback and began to read, as Sammy started to purr.
For us, Friday the 13th was a good day.
Current Mood: