Title: Prince(ss) Charming
Author: Ami Ven
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
ncisdrabble100 challenge #479 ‘charm’
Character(s): Tony DiNozzo, Ellie Bishop, Abby Sciuto
Summary: Sometimes, a case needs a little magic.
Prince(ss) Charming
“Sorry, guys,” said Abby, over the phone. “Technically, this isn’t our jurisdiction, so we can’t demand the information. But there’s also no actual reason for them to keep it from us. So, maybe if you ask nicely…?”
“Okay,” said Tony. “I’ll work my charm.”
“Actually…” Abby said, “I looked up the archive clerk, based on the website info, and maybe it would be better to let Bishop work the charm.”
Tony glanced back at the reception desk and its attractive blonde and female occupant. “Really?”
Bishop punched him, hard, in the arm, as both women chorused, “Shut up, Tony!”
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