[NCIS/Stargate: Drabble] "Fathers" [G]

Feb 29, 2016 16:13

Title: Fathers
Prompt: writerverse challenge #40 final challenge (challenge #17 criss cross applesauce- crossover)
Word Count: 252
Rating: G
Your two universes used (original or fandom): NCIS & Stargate SG-1 (part of my Highly Classified ‘verse)
Pairings: implied Jimmy Palmer/Breena Palmer
Character(s): Jimmy Palmer, Ducky Mallard, Teal’c
Summary: Fatherhood is a universal constant.
Note(s): originally posted to the writerverse wv_library


“I’m sorry, Dr. Mallard,” said Jimmy, rushing into autopsy and still adjusting the straps of the baby carrier on his chest. “But I thought I would have the day off, and Breena went to visit her aunt and I don’t have anyone to watch- Oh.”

There was a large man wearing a crisp suit, standing beside Ducky at the middle autopsy table. For a moment, Jimmy didn’t recognize him, then he removed his fedora, revealing a golden tattoo on his forehead. “Oh, hello, Master Teal’c.”

The Jaffa officer nodded acknowledgement. “Greetings, JimmyPalmer.”

“Mr. Palmer,” the ME said. “Our latest guest was stationed with the SGC and General O’Neill has sent Master Teal’c to assist us, should the evidence lead to more… extraterrestrial avenues.”

“Oh, okay,” Jimmy agreed, then frowned. “But what about…?”

“Ah,” said Ducky. “I do rather need your assistance, Mr. Palmer, but under the circumstances, your daughter must certainly be your first priority.”

“Would you allow me, JimmyPalmer?” asked Teal’c, suddenly.

“I… Her name is Victoria,” said Jimmy, and lifted the baby carefully out of her carrier. The Jaffa took her just as carefully, making her seem even tinier in his huge arms. But the expression on his face was one Jimmy knew well. “You have kids?” he asked.

Teal’c nodded, solemnly. “I have a son. Rya’c. He is grown now and wed, but I remember well the feeling of holding him in my arms when he was this age.”

Jimmy smiled. “Then I know she’s in good hands.”



Current Mood:


drabble, stargate, highly_classified, ncis, writerverse

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