[Original: Drabble] "Janitorial" [G]

Feb 04, 2016 16:15

Title: Janitorial
Prompt: writerverse challenge #18 weekly quick fic #7, prompts ‘new year’s day’ & ‘cleaning’
Bonus: 2nd person
Word Count: 249
Rating: G
Original/Fandom: original
Summary: It’s not an easy job, but someone’s got to do it. (Someone is you.)
Note(s): originally posted to the writerverse wv_library


Someday, you’d like to be on one of those committees that plans parties like this. Not that you particularly enjoy parties- or have anything against them, necessarily- but you’d love to hear the thought process behind needing pounds of confetti and sugar-sprinkles on every bit of food.

You sigh as you finish vacuuming the carpet and roll up the cord. It had taken three complete passes to suck up all the glitter, and you haven’t even started on the walls. You’re glad you got the city council to spring for the easy-clean paint during the last remodel, at least- the stains all come right off, and you don’t have to spend too long contemplating what might have caused them.

The sun is just beginning to rise by the time you’re finished the bulk of the cleaning, and begin moving the furniture back to where it belongs. You find a single earring, a sequined hairband, three quarters and a cracked cell phone under the squashy armchairs before you put them back. The money goes into the box for the coffee machine, and the rest to the lost-and-found.

Finally, everything is ordered and pristine, cleaner than it was before the Mayor’s New Year’s party, especially with the Cub Scout meeting only half-cleaned up from the week before, and you lock the door behind you, more than ready for a nap when you get back home.

And you’re already planning to be out of town the week after next New Year’s Day.


Current Mood:


drabble, original fiction, writerverse

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