Title: When It Snows
Author: Ami Ven
Prompt: Christmas present for
alaxesRating: G
Word Count: 300
Fandom: Star Wars (Expanded Universe)
Pairing(s): Wedge Antilles/Iella Wessiri Antilles
Summary: Wedge has bad memories of the snow.
When It Snows
“Wedge,” said Iella, with the sort of patience usually reserved for their children, “It’s only a bit of snow.”
“To you it’s only a bit of snow,” he protested, winding a scarf around his neck. “I have bad memories of snow.”
She frowned. “You grew up on a space station. The cold, I could see- but it’s just the snow, isn’t it?”
“I know you’ve studied recent galactic history,” said Wedge. “But clearly you’ve missed a few things. A few years before the Empire fell, there was a small skirmish on a planet called Hoth.”
Iella’s frown softened. “I know you were at Hoth,” she said, softly. “Was it really that bad?”
“Mostly… no,” her husband admitted. “I mean, it was freezing even inside, and everything was made of ice, so we couldn’t even turn on any heaters, but mostly… no. Being on base was annoying, sure, but it was the battle that’s the problem.”
She studied him for a long moment. “Does this have to do with Wes’s stupid story?”
“It’s only stupid when Wes tells it,” said Wedge. “He jokes about the fact that he almost died before we made it back to Echo Base, but he didn’t have to watch one of his best friends slowly turn blue and stop talking.”
“And Wes not talking is a very bad sign,” Iella agreed. “You really thought you’d lost him, then, didn’t you?”
Wedge nodded. “Not just then.”
She smiled. “The girls will understand if you want to stay inside, you know.”
He shook his head, smiling, too. “No. Let’s make some good memories of the snow.”
Iella kissed him, gently. “Okay.”
The sound of tiny feet was their only warning as Syal and Miri came hurtling toward the front door. “Snow, Daddy! Let’s go outside!”
Wedge smiled. “Yeah.”
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