[Star Wars: Drabble] "Cooking for Two" [Luke/Mara, G]

Dec 07, 2015 01:09

Title: Cooking for Two
Author: Ami Ven
Prompt: (late) birthday present for gg_fangirl
Rating: G
Word Count: 300
Fandom: Star Wars (Expanded Universe)
Pairing(s): Luke Skywalker/Mara Jade
Summary: “It really takes all this to make a cake?”

Cooking for Two

“This was supposed to be a surprise,” Mara grumbled.

Luke smiled at her from their tiny kitchen table, both hands curled around his mug of hot chocolate. “I didn’t know that was a rule.”

“And this is going to take a while to bake,” she continued.

“We’ve got time,” said Luke, watching her measure flour into the bowl, then frowning at the rest of the ingredients on the counter. “It really takes all this to make a cake?”

“You’ve really never made one before?” his wife retorted.

“Aunt Beru never let me in the kitchen,” he admitted. “And Han never let anyone into the galley on the Falcon.”

Mara measured chocolate powder into the bowl next- her husband did have a terrible sweet tooth- and smiled. “Well. I won’t make you help with this one, because it’s your Life Day cake and that’s the kind of thing someone else should make for you. But some other time, I am going to teach you how to cook.”

Luke smiled, ducking his head to take a long sip of his hot chocolate. “I’d like that,” he said. “But who have you ever made a Life Day cake for, before me?”

She paused, the box of salt in her hand. “No one, actually,” said Mara, softly. “I’ve never cooked for anyone, before you, farmboy. On missions, I could go for weeks on spaceport grub or ration packs, so afterwards, I always wanted something real.”

“So you learned to cook,” he said.

“So I learned to cook,” Mara agreed. “It was nice to create things, for a change.”

Luke crossed to slide his arms around her waist, pressing a kiss to her temple. “You are an amazing woman, and I’m lucky to have married you.”

She laughed, and kissed him properly. “Yes, you are.”


Current Mood:


gift, birthday, drabble, star wars, luke/mara

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