Title: One Night at a Time
writerverse challenge #08 weekly quick fic #3, prompts ‘master’ & ‘mug’
Word Count: 247
Rating: G
Original/Fandom: Batman (any ‘verse, early canon)
Character(s): Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth
Summary: “You should be in bed, Master Bruce.”
Note(s): originally posted to the
writerverse wv_library One Night at a Time
Alfred always trusted the instincts that woke him in the middle of the night, even when the manor was quiet around him. He pulled on his dressing gown and headed for the kitchen, frowning even before he opened the door.
“You should be in bed, Master Bruce.”
Bruce looked up at him, one hand propping up his head, the other curled around a half-empty glass that Alfred could smell from the doorway. “Couldn’t sleep.”
“That happens when you stay up until dawn three consecutive nights,” Alfred said. He took the coffee press from its shelf and began a pot. The younger man was silent as it brewed, and didn’t stir when Alfred switched a steaming mug for his glass. “Drink that all.”
“I just…” Bruce said, after several long gulps of coffee. “There’s so much crime in Gotham, so much injustice. How can I fix all of it on my own?”
“I’m glad you value my assistance, Master Bruce,” said Alfred, dryly.
“You know I didn’t mean it like that,” Bruce protested. “But even with two of us, how can we do it?”
Alfred sat across from him, with his own mug of coffee. “The same way we do anything else, Master Bruce. One day at a time.”
The younger man snorted a laugh. “Or one night at a time?”
“That would be more applicable, in our case,” Alfred agreed. “We’ll manage, Master Bruce.”
“I know we will,” Bruce said, and his smile was faint but genuine.
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