[Avengers: Drabble] "Hold On" [Clint/Coulson, G]

Nov 25, 2015 16:33

Title: Hold On
Prompt: writerverse challenge #03 june BINGO of DOOM!! prompt #25 ‘speechless’
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Original/Fandom: Avengers (MCU/movie ‘verse)
Pairings: Clint Barton/Phil Coulson
Summary: “You want to talk about it?”
Note(s): originally posted to the writerverse wv_library

Hold On

Phil looked up when his office door opened, and saw Clint standing there. He was wearing standard-issue sweats, hair and skin damp from a recent shower, but standing easily enough that Phil knew the scrape on his cheek was likely his only injury.

“Barton?” he said, then frowned, standing. “Clint?”

The archer didn’t reply, just crossed the office in long strides to pull him into a rough hug, and Phil hugged him back.

“You want to talk about it?” he asked.

Clint shook his head, and Phil shifted his weight, prepared to hold on as long as he needed to.


Current Mood:


drabble, clint/coulson, avengers, writerverse

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