[iZombie: Drabble] "Brains..." [G]

Nov 25, 2015 16:08

Title: Brains…
Prompt: writerverse challenge #03 june BINGO of DOOM!! prompt #21 ‘waking dreams’
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Original/Fandom: iZombie
Character(s): Liv Moore
Summary: Liv’s life wasn’t always her own, anymore.
Note(s): originally posted to the writerverse wv_library


Liv wanted brains, and she embraced the ache that settled beneath her ribs.

Being hungry meant that what she had eaten was leaving her system, that her mind was her own again, and hers alone. She needed to eat, she understood that, but she didn’t think she would ever like it. The idea was bad enough, eating part of another human being, but the feeling of someone else’s thoughts, their emotions, taking over her own was something she would never be used to.

So, she let herself be hungry.

Because hunger was the only feeling she knew was truly hers.


Current Mood:


izombie, drabble, writerverse

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