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iriththedreamer What was the last thing you wrote? I'm usually writing several things at once... but I guess, it was some random bits for my original series, Telemachus
Was it any good? I don't know how useful it'll be to later plots, but I'd say it was good.
What's the first thing you ever wrote that you still have? I really don't know. But I'm sure my mom has got some of my early things.
Write poetry? I have, but I'm not very good at it.
Angsty poetry? No, all of my stuff sounds like Dr. Seuss.
Favourite genre of writing? Science-Fiction, absolutely.
Most fun character you ever wrote? I don't know about 'fun', but my favorite is my current main character, Captain Timothea J. Winslow.
Most annoying character you ever wrote? They all have thier moments. Right now, I'm having a bit of a tricky time with Telemachus's engineer, Lieutenant Charles Grey, and their computer expert, Lieutenant E.J. Fulton.
How often do you get writer's block? I have gotten a bit stuck on certain parts of the story, but I usually go and write something else until I can figure it out. I've never been knocked completely off writing.
How do you fix it? Talk it out with someone- my dad has been really good about helping me with plot problems.
Write fan fiction? Oh, yes. Mostly NCIS, but I've done a little Torchwood, Firefly and StarGate.
Do you type or write by hand? That depends. My FanFiction drabbles I type, because I need to count words, but longer stories I write out by hand. I always have my notebook with me.
Do you save everything you write? Absolutely. You never know what might come in handy.
Do you ever go back to an old idea long after you abandoned it? Great works are never finished, only abandoned. Sometimes, I do look up old ideas. Sometimes, they can be adapted to something new.
What's your favourite thing that you've written? My first real original book, Telemachus: To Sail Beyond the Sunset
What's everyone else's favourite thing that you've written? I don't know. Everyone is always so sweet when they respond to my postings.
What's your favourite setting for your characters? For my Telemachus characters, it would have to be their ship. For FanFiction characters, it depends on what I need for the plot.
What's one genre you have never written, and probably never will? Romance. I just don't think I could do it.
How many writing projects are you working on right now? My Telemachus book series, several FanFiction challenges for NCIS, Firefly and StarGate, to name a few.
Do you want to write for a living? Yes!
Have you ever written something for a magazine or newspaper? No, I was never much interested in journalism.
Have you ever won an award for your writing? Yes, actually, in ninth grade I was runner up for the Junior Hugo Award.
Ever written something in script or play format? For Creative Writing and Broadway Muscial classes, but I prefer prose.
What are your five favourite words? That is kind of a weird question, but okay. Um... fruition, avuncular, herculean, captaincy and autumnal. Because they're fun to say.
What character that you've written most resembles yourself? Well, the character I wrote for my high school senior project/Star Wars novel basically was me. Other than that, Tim Winslow from my Telemachus stories has a lot of my traits.
Where do you get ideas for your other characters? They sort of write themselves. I usually give them a name and a brief description (job, hair color, ethnicity) and they evolve from there as I write. I don't typically know where a character is going when I write them.
Do you ever write based on your dreams? I never remember my dreams, so I can't.
Do you favour happy endings, sad endings, or cliff-hangers? FOr me, it has to be at least a quasi-happy ending. I can do stories where characters die, or things don't turn out quite right, but in the end, things have to be looking up.
Are you concerned with spelling and grammar as you write? I'm a good speller, and I try to write every draft as well as possible. But there are always typos that need to be fixed later.
Does music help you write? I almost never have music when I write. I write by hand at work (at the front desk of the library) and type while watching TV.
Quote something you've written. The first thing to pop into your mind. Okay, I cheated and looked one up. I don't remember what I write- that's why I write it down! This is Cpt. Winslow's speech to her new crew in the beginning of Telemachus: To Sail Beyond the Sunset:
"All hands, this is the captain. I’m afraid there’s been a change of plans. We had been scheduled another four days in lunar orbit, but our skills are needed elsewhere. The cruiser Steadfast has gone missing, and we are tasked with finding her.
“Midshipmen, I’m sorry you won’t get more of a proper introduction to your new posts, but these things cannot be helped. For those of you unfamiliar with ancient Greek mythology, Telemachus was named for a figure in the Odyssey epic. Telemachus was the son of the hero Odysseus. Although not a hero himself, Telemachus was essential to his father’s quest.
“The same is true of us. Our Telemachus may not be the greatest ship in the Fleet, but she is ours. Some of you are new here, and you may not feel that she is yours, yet. But I have confidence in each of you, to do your duties to the best of your abilities."
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