Title: And I’m Listening
writerverse challenge #27 do the shuffle
Song: “Story Time” (by Trout Fishing in America)
Word Count: 158
Rating: G
Fandom or Original: Stargate Atlantis
Pairings: John Sheppard/Rodney McKay
Setting: part of my
On the Run ‘verse
Summary: Ada loves her fathers’ stories.
Note(s): originally posted to the
writerverse wv_library And I'm Listening
Ada had never been to Earth, but she knew all about it.
Her fathers were both from there, and they both told her stories, of the places they’d grown up and the things they’d seen. At five, she was wise enough to know that it couldn’t really be the way they described it, but she loved the stories anyway. Rodney told them fast, so much detail and winding paths of thought that sometimes she struggled to keep up. There were jokes inside that she didn’t get, but made John laugh ridiculously and take over the story, slow and even, pausing to explain things when she frowned at him.
“No, no, keep going,” said John, settling a mug of what they called coffee but really wasn’t into Rodney’s hands, and another of weak tea into Ada’s. “I’ll put more wood on the fire.”
And the moon was very high overhead when they finally went to bed, at the end.
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