Title: Anniversary of Birth
writerverse challenge #15 january BINGO table of doom, prompt #03 ‘happy birthday’
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Original/Fandom: Star Trek (pre-TOS)
Pairings: (early) Amanda Grayson/Sarek
Summary: “I believe this confection is in violation of the embassy fire code.”
Note(s): originally posted to the
writerverse wv_library Anniversary of Birth
“Miss Grayson,” said Sarek, raising an eyebrow. “I believe this confection is in violation of the embassy fire code.”
Amanda smiled and set the cake on his desk. “We’re in no danger of burning the place down, Ambassador. Happy birthday.”
The eyebrow rose a little higher. “Miss Grayson?”
“Don’t tell me you don’t have birthdays on Vulcan!” she said.
“We do mark the anniversary of our births,” Sarek admitted. “With meditation.”
“Well,” said Amanda, smiling again. “On Earth, we have cake. Blow out the candles and make a wish.”
“If that is the custom,” he said, and blew them out.
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