Book Meme: The Friday Five (but it's Monday)

Mar 23, 2015 22:55

Stolen from nakeisha

1. What was your favourite book during childhood?
According to my mother, I really enjoyed “The Animals of Farmer Brown” (a Little Golden Book) in which I thought the turkey said “dobble, dobble” instead of “gobble, gobble”

2. What is your favourite book now?
“The One Hundred and One Dalmatians” by Dodie Smith, and I don’t even know why. It’s a book about dogs set in the 1950s and I’m a cat person who loves sci-fi. But it’s just that good of a book.

3. What is your favourite movie adaptation of a book?
I can’t say I have one, so instead I’ll list movies that have actually been better than the books: “How to Train Your Dragon” (the book was more diary-format, while the film had an actual plot) and “Stepsister from Planet Weird” (one of those Disney Channel original movies, and the movie ending was much more satisfying than the book’s).

4. Do you prefer checking out books from the library or buying them?
Buying them! It’s a bit of an addiction, I think- my room must be about 85% books by now…

5. Have you ever been let down by a book that was highly recommended to you?
I generally don’t listen to other people’s opinions of books, so I don’t really get let down, but one book I thought would be better was “Ash” by Melinda Lo. It was controversial for being a fairytale retelling with a same-sex romance, but I didn’t really get what the fuss was about.

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