Letter MeMe Again

Jan 27, 2010 03:15

In a vicious cycle of memes, cjspooks gave me 'L'. And these lists are surprisingly hard.

Comment and I'll give you a letter, then you have to list ten people/places/things you love that begin with that letter, afterwards post it on your journal and fill out letters of your own.

My 'L' List

1.) lime. Especially lime-flavored candy, but also real limes
2.) Literature, my college major.
3.) liquid bandage, that clear nail-polish-with-antibacterial that is like a regular band-aid but waterproof and smells bad. And yet, not particularly helpful when you have just shut your finger in the dishwasher door. Ow.
4.) Leia, from "Star Wars" (who I went as for Halloween, tenth grade). Darth Vader is my dad's hero, so that kind of makes me Leia (which is okay, because then I get Han Solo *g*)
5.) Liptin's chicken noodle soup, cheap and instant, but absolutely the best thing when you're sick.
6.) "Lady Knight", the fourth book in the "Protector of the Small" series by Tamora Pierce. The main character, Kel, thinks just like I do.
7.) Latin, my college minor- "Latin is a dead language/as you can plainly see/ it killed off all the Romans/ and now it's killing me."
8.) LEGOs, what can't you build with little plastic blocks?
9.) letters, which form words, which form sentences, which form paragraphs- and if you're lucky, whole novels *g*
10.) lip gloss- I don't even wear it often, but I have a whole collection of lip gloss that tastes good, or smells good, or is a funny color.

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