[X-Men: Drabble] "Hope Chests" [Charles/Erik, G]

Dec 21, 2014 23:54

Title: Hope Chests
Prompt: writerverse challenge #33 quick fic amnesty, prompt ‘an old fashioned notion’
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Original/Fandom: X-Men (movie ‘verse)
Pairings: Charles Xavier/Erik Lehnsherr
Summary: “I fail to see what’s so amusing about my luggage.”
Note(s): originally posted to the writerverse wv_library

Hope Chests

Erik took one look at the suitcases piled up just inside the front door, and burst out laughing.

“I fail to see what’s so amusing about my luggage,” said Charles.

“Only that there is so much of it,” said Erik. He set his one, small suitcase on the floor. “We’re going on honeymoon for three weeks, Charles, not three years.”

“There’s no harm in being prepared, my friend.”

Erik snorted. “And you expect me to transport your… trousseau?”

“All the cases have metal reinforcing,” said Charles. “We’d best hurry, or we’ll miss our train.”

Erik laughed again, and kissed him.


Current Mood:


x-men, drabble, charles/erik, writerverse

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