Title: Three Days
Author: Ami Ven
Pairing(s): Jenny/Gibbs
Other Characters: team, Cynthia
Genre: het romance/humor
madame_director Memories that Remain round 9; keyword 'a day off'
Rating: PG
Word Count: 300
Summary: Three days off, no distratctions.
Note: this is sort of a sequel to my story "Birthday Cake" (also on my journal), but can be read alone. For those who wondered what Gibbs wished for *g*
Three Days
"Have you got that, Cynthia?"
Jenny looked at her secretary, who smiled and nodded. "Yes, ma'am. If anyone calls, or wants a meeting, or needs anything at all, I'm supposed to tell them whatever it takes to put them off until you get back. And under no circumstances am I to allow anyone to contact you while you're gone. Even if the entire Navy shuts down."
The director grinned. "Perfect, Cynthia. And thank you."
"It's no problem, ma'am," replied the younger woman. "You deserve a few days off. You've been working too hard lately."
"No rest for the wicked," Jenny said. "But believe me, I'm not even going to think about work for the next three days."
Cynthia smiled. "I'll be here when you get back, ma'am."
Jenny returned her smile, then closed the door to her office with a snap and headed for the stairs. As she reached the bottom, she could hear part of an ongoing conversation.
"I'm only gonna be gone for three days, Abs," Gibbs was saying. "You can just save up your hugs 'til I get back."
"Are you sure you're not going to tell us where you're going, boss?" asked Tony.
"Yes, DiNozzo," Gibbs said, "or I would've told you."
Peeking around the corner, Jenny saw Gibbs toss his cell phone at his senior field agent, who caught it, confused.
"Any cases come up, you three deal with them."
"Really, boss? You trust us to- shutting up now."
Gibbs looked up and smiled. "Ready to go, Jen?"
She rounded the corner, joining him in the elevator- as it closed, she could hear McGee's cry of, "Wait, they're going together?"
Jenny laughed. "So, Jethro, three days with no distractions. Does that about cover your wish?"
His smile promised much and revealed nothing. "It's a start."
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