[Firefly: Scrieenplay] "Then & Now" [Jayne/River, G]

Jun 21, 2014 03:17

Title: Then & Now
Prompt: writerverse challenge #13 quick fic #4 (‘skeletons in the closet’ & ‘faithful & true’)
Bonus? screenplay format
Word Count: 286 (including stage directions)
Rating: G
Original/Fandom: Firefly
Pairings: Jayne Cobb/River Tam
Summary: River and Jayne discuss what happened before, and what will come.
Note(s): originally posted to the writerverse wv_library

Then & Now

[Exterior of Serenity, JAYNE is sitting on the lowered ramp, looking over a desert at sunset. RIVER exits the ship, carrying a metal plate of food, and sits beside him.]

You did not join us for supper.

JAYNE (not looking at her)
I ain’t hungry.

His thoughts are like a storm, all thunder and howling winds

Aren’t supposed to be Readin’ crew, Moonbrain.

She doesn’t mean to. His storm is very loud.

Then you oughta go back inside, leave me out here in peace.

[There is silence for a long moment]

RIVER (hesitant)
Does he regret kissing her?

JAYNE (whirling suddenly to face her)
No! No, girl, I don’t regret it. But you don’t know the whole truth, what kinda hwen dan I really am.

RIVER (quietly, looking down at the plate in her lap)
She knows. He has nightmares and she can’t help but see. She knows what happened at Ariel.

JAYNE (angry)
She does not. You don’t know nothin’, little girl. You don’t know how I almost sold ya out, you and that brother a’ yours. You don’t know-

RIVER (completely lucid)
Would you do it now?


Would you sell us to the Alliance now, today? If they offer lots of money, wealth, title, ship of your own? Would you give the girl to them?

Never! Gorram, girl, I wouldn’t, I couldn’t…

Then he is not the hwen dan that he believes. All things must change, and we with them.

[She holds out the plate again]

Eat now. You will need strength later.

Yeah? For what?

We will begin with continued kissing. From there, further activities may be negotiated.

JAYNE (smiling)


Current Mood:


screenplay, jayne/river, writerverse, firefly

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