[NCIS: Drabble] "Good News" [G, Abby/McGee]

Mar 03, 2014 01:44

Title: Good News
Author: Ami Ven
Fandom: NCIS
Pairing: Abby Sciuto/Tim McGee
Genre: het.
Prompt: 24_times table three, prompt #16 ‘16:00’
Rating: G
Word Count: 400
Summary: “Abby, turn on the news.”

Good News

Abby knew something was wrong the moment Jimmy barreled into her lab and shut off her music.

Firstly, she’d never known Jimmy to ‘barrel in’ anywhere- he always seemed a little awkward, even when he knew where he was going. Secondly, he never turned off her music without asking. Nobody did without asking first, except Gibbs, even when she had the volume cranked all the way up.

“Abby, turn on the news,” Jimmy ordered, which was weird thing number three. Jimmy never ordered anyone to do anything.

“Why-?” she began, even as she grabbed the remote for her monitor, but she broke off when the image appeared on the screen, still left on the channel with the four o’clock news.

“-don’t have the full story yet,” a perky blonde reporter was saying, “but we do know that the explosion was confined to this one building, where federal agents had been conducting a raid.”

The camera panned behind her to show a run-down industrial building, blackened by smoke, and Abby gasped. “That’s the warehouse! The one where Tony and McGee went to- oh, my god!”

Jimmy put a comforting hand on her shoulder. “We don’t know that they were there,” he said, almost sounding like he believed it. “Agent Gibbs, Ziva and Dr. Mallard are on their way.”

“We do know they were there,” said Abby. “Tony only drives slightly less insanely than Gibbs and Ziva, and he never lets McGee drive. They left here in plenty of time to get there before… before it exploded.”

That was all true, and Jimmy had a hard time thinking of anything to say. “Abby, they’re- you know they-”

“This just in,” said the reporter. “A second group of federal agents has arrived and- Yes! I am being told that the building is clear. The agents inside during the explosion are injured, but expected to be just fine.”

The camera moved again, now showing the back of an ambulance, where Tony was trying not to wince as Ziva watched an EMT clean the scratches on his arm. McGee sat beside him, explaining something to Gibbs while Ducky shone a penlight in his eyes.

McGee spotted the camera and scowled, then immediately brightened. He managed a tired smile, and signed, “I’m fine, Abs. Love you.”

Abby grinned back, even though she knew that he couldn’t see her. “I love you, too, Timmy.”


Current Mood:


drabble, challenge_24_times, ncis, abby/mcgee

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