Title: Four of Hearts
Author: Ami Ven
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
ncisdrabble100 challenge #377 ‘Jackson Gibbs’
Character(s): Jackson Gibbs, team
Summary: Jackson finds four surprises in his mail.
Four of Hearts
Jackson didn’t get a lot of mail these days, unless he counted the ads. A few of his friends and distant relatives still sent Christmas cards, but most preferred the telephone for keeping in touch.
So, he was surprised to find not one but four brightly-colored envelopes in his mail box, one perfectly ordinary morning. He opened the first envelope, and found a card, store-bought but embellished with hand-drawn doodles.
Happy Grandparents’ Day! it read, and was signed, Love, Abby.
He opened the others- Sincerely, Tim, Love, Tony, Shalom, Ziva.
Grinning, Jackson set them, one by one, on his mantle.
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