[Sailor Moon: Drabble] "Oceanside" [Michiru/Haruka, G]

Jan 04, 2014 23:09

Title: Oceanside
Prompt: writerverse challenge #38 quick fic amnesty (“If sand and salt have the answer” (Dry the River) )
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Original/Fandom: Sailor Moon
Pairings: implied Michiru/Haruka
Summary: Michiru takes a walk on the beach.
Note(s): originally posted to the writerverse wv_library


Michiru walked along the beach, bare toes sinking into the warm sand with every step, the edges of gentle waves lapping her ankles. The sun was just setting, painting the sky in vivid oranges, golds, pinks and purples.

She felt calmer beside the ocean, listening to the waves. Problems had much simpler answers on the beach, and Michiru could feel the tension drain out of herself.

Mind clear, she turned to walk back the way she had come… and saw Haruka standing on the dune, three-year-old Hotaru on her hip. She greeted them each with a kiss.

“Let’s go home.”


Current Mood:

snowed in

drabble, haruka/michiru, sailor moon, writerverse

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