[Nancy Drew/Hardy Boys: Screenplay] "Stakeout" [G]

Oct 08, 2013 22:44

Title: Stakeout
Prompt: writerverse challenge #30.5 weekly quick fic #10 (‘boundary’)
Bonus: screenplay
Word Count: 501 (including stage directions)
Rating: G
Original/Fandom: Nancy Drew/Hardy Boys
Warnings: sort of a sequel to On the Case, but can be read alone
Summary: “How did I let your brother talk me into bringing you along?”
Note(s): originally posted to the writerverse wv_library


(EXTERIOR, a city street at night. Inside a BLUE ROADSTER sit River Heights Detective NANCY DREW and private investigator JOE HARDY. For a moment, there is silence, as NANCY keeps watch on a building farther down the street, and JOE is eating a hamburger.)

You gonna finish your fries?

NANCY (handing him the bag)
Knock yourself out.

Are you sure? You need to keep up your strength for this kind of sleuthing.

How did I let your brother talk me into bringing you along?

He thought you would need my sparkling personality and roguish charm? Or maybe because Frank and I are the only ones who have actually seen the guy we’re looking for.

As I recall, Stevenson got the drop on you both, and you barely escaped.

All part of the plan, detective.

Oh, there’s a plan? I thought you got all your information from sneaking around abandoned buildings after dark.

Well, not all of it. Sometimes- Hey, is that him?

(They both look, and a faint movement can be seen in the building.)

NANCY (on police radio)
This is Drew. We’ve detected movement in the suspect’s apartment. We are standing by for confirmation.

Copy that, detective. Continue standing by.

JOE (into walkie-talkie)
Joe Cool to Ol’ Blue Eyes

Why did I let you pick our codenames?

Lapse in judgment? Anyway, we’ve got movement here. What have you got?

I saw it, too. Do you think that’s our guy?

Sure looks like him. We should take a closer look.

Oh, no! It was hard enough convincing my captain to authorize this stakeout, we are not going to jeopardize the case by going in without a warrant.

The police might not have a warrant, but I’m a private citizen. There’s nothing to stop me from walking into the public hallway of an apartment building.

(He scruffs up his hair in the rearview mirror, and opens the car door.)

Wish me luck.

Hey, wait!

(He gets out of the car and jogs toward the building. Nancy tries to grab him, but misses. Instead, she picks up his walkie talkie)

Hardy! Your idiot brother is headed for the apartment building!

I see him. Meet us around the back, will you?

Do not- Agh! Men.

(Getting out of the car, NANCY puts on her bullet-proof vest, checks her gun, and heads to the back of the apartment building- just as JOE and FRANK appear, with STEVENSON between them.)

Hey, detective! Would you do the honors?

We didn’t enter his apartment, so you shouldn’t have any problem getting all the valuable evidence we saw when he opened the door admitted for his trial.

NANCY (angry)
We are going to have a talk about this, and you two aren’t going to like it.
You have the right to remain silent. If you give up that right…


Current Mood:


nancy_drew, hardy_boys, screenplay, writerverse

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