[Original: Drabble] "Pierce and Ward" [G]

Sep 28, 2013 00:50

Title: Pierce and Ward
Prompt: writerverse challenge #22 random character generator (write a story based on the character description)
Character A: Betty Pierce- Your character is 66 years old, 5ft 6' tall, with pale brown eyes and copper hair. He/she is independent and emotional but can be quick-tempered and is scared of doctors.
Character B: Robert Ward- Your character is 60 years old, 5ft 9' tall, with deep brown eyes and auburn hair. He/she is optimistic and proud but can be rude and is scared of the sight of blood.
Word Count: 502
Rating: G
Original/Fandom: original
Summary: A retired brother-and-sister team are on the case of a neighborhood mystery.
Note(s): originally posted to the writerverse wv_library

Pierce and Ward

“You’re looking for trouble again, aren’t you, Betty?”

The woman turned from the window to smile at the man behind her. “Now, Bobby, would I do a thing like that?”

Anyone looking at Elizabeth Pierce and Robert Ward would have immediately recognized that they were related. Bobby’s eyes were a darker brown than his sister’s and his hair, before it had started turning gray, had been more auburn, but they had the same heart-shaped faces and the same lanky builds. Betty was six years older, three inches shorter, and held the opposite opinions on nearly everything. She had come to live with Bobby shortly before his wife had passed away, and since she had lost her own husband several years before, decided to make the move permanent.

Bobby realized she had asked him a question, and frowned. “Yes,” he said. “You would absolutely, without hesitation, go looking for trouble.” He tried to peer over her shoulder, out the window that overlooked their yard. “How much did you find?”

“You can never know that until you’re in too deep, little brother,’ she said, smirking. “But I did find something of a mystery.”

She waved him over to the window, and he frowned. “Was that what you and Rebecca were talking about yesterday?”

Rebecca Wallace was their next door neighbor, and Bobby could just see the corner of her prize-winning garden from where they stood.

“I promised Beck that I’d find out who’s been taking her cucumbers.”

“Rabbits,” said Bobby, at once, then frowned. “But she’s got a fence up.”

“Yes, she does,” Betty agreed. “I’ve already checked the perimeter, and there are no breaks or gaps that a rabbit could get through.”

Bobby opened his mouth.

“Or raccoons,” added Betty, before he could speak. “Or possums, or groundhogs, or any other animal known to eat cucumbers and be native to Southeastern Pennsylvania.”

“Huh,” said Bobby.

“Plus, none of those species would have the ability to disable those cameras I set up.”

“Why did you-? No, don’t tell me why. Bets, you’re not a cop anymore.”

“I’ll always be a cop,” his sister replied. “And are you telling me you aren’t the slightest bit curious?”

“Yes,” he said, stubbornly, then frowned again. “Just the cucumbers?”

She nodded. “Tomatoes, watermelon and three kinds of beans, all untouched.”

“And you said they’d been ‘taken’. Not eaten? No bits left behind?”

“Trust a retired district attorney to pick up on the technical jargon. But, yes, completely gone, not a trace.”

“Do you have any suspects?” Bobby asked, and his sister grinned, remembering all the times over the years he’d stood beside her desk and asked that very same question.

“A few,” she said. “Are you going to help me, then?”

“Of course I am,” he snapped, then smiled back at her. “It’ll be just like old times, Bets. Ward and Pierce, at it again.”

“Pierce and Ward,” Betty corrected. “I’m the detective here.”

“Retired detective,” said Bobby, but he followed her outside to begin their investigation.


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drabble, original fiction, writerverse

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