[Stargate: Drabble] "Snowy Clearing" [SG-22, G]

Sep 26, 2013 23:00

Title: Snowy Clearing
Prompt: writerverse challenge #19 weekly quick fic #6 (‘snowfall’ & ‘going home’)
Bonus: metafiction
Word Count: 721
Rating: G
Original/Fandom: Stargate SG-1 ( SG-22, original characters)
Summary: SG-22 aren’t the main characters of the SGC, but they’re okay with that.
Note(s): originally posted to the writerverse wv_library

Snowy Clearing

“Why are we always sent to the planets where there’s weather?” asked Dr. Levi Flannigan, turning his collar up against the fluffy snowflakes falling softly around them.

“Every planet has weather,” said Captain Igraine Gryffydd. She pulled off one glove so that she could tuck a strand of red-gold hair back under her helmet. “And this isn’t even that bad.”

“Right,” said First Lieutenant Walter Tobias, remotely steering the motorized cart that carried their gear and the scientific samples they’d been gathering to take back to the SGC. “This didn’t even start until after we’d gotten everything packed up.”

“That is true,” Levi agreed, still frowning. “But what about all the others? The flash flood, the hurricane, the golf ball-sized hail, the monsoon-”

“Hey, now,” interrupted Gunnery Sergeant Jason Vicks, snowflakes catching in his Marine Corps haircut. “There’s no way of knowing if that was actually a monsoon.”

“It rained the entire three days it took for us to get back to the ‘gate,” the sociologist argued. “I thought I’d never be dry again! All I’m asking is, why doesn’t this sort of thing ever happen to SG-1?”

“Because they’re the heroes of this story,” said Gryff. “I’m pretty sure the SG teams were numbered in order of importance. And what number are we?”

“Twenty-two!” cried Toby and Jason, raising their fists triumphantly.

The cart rumbled as it hit the rocks at the side of the dirt trail, and the two men lunged to catch a loose container that wobbled dangerously. Gryff arched an eyebrow at them as they steered it back onto the path, half questioning and half mocking, and Toby grinned back at her.

“But we’re a part of the story, too, Lee,” said Gryff, turning back to smile at the sociologist. “Even if SG-1 are the main characters, they still need a good supporting cast.”

“I think you’re mixing your metaphors a bit, there, Gryff,” said Toby.

“Or just using the wrong one,” put in Jason. “If this was an episode of Star Trek, SG-1 would be the crew of the Enterprise and we’d be the redshirts.”

“No,” said Gryff, as Levi spluttered. “We’re not redshirts. We’re…we’re the crew of a different, smaller ship that gets mentioned but is never actually seen.”

Toby snorted a laugh. “That is disturbingly accurate,” he said. “And, Lee, weren’t you TAD with SG-1 before we got you?”

The younger man frowned. “Why would SG-1 have needed a teaching assistant?

“Temporary assigned duty,” said Jason. “C’mon, Lee, learn your military slang.”

Levi ignored that. “Oh. No, I started with SG-2. I’ve never gotten to save the world even once!”

“And you’ve never died, either,” said Toby. “It’s all or nothing with those guys, you know. They’re either saving the world or almost dying in increasingly horrible ways. Personally, I’d rather get thrown in a naquadah mine every other mission than have to fend off certain doom on a weekly basis.

“Well, when you put it like that…” said Levi.

They reached the edge of the trees, and the open glade where the stargate stood. The snow was beginning to stick to the shorter grass there, and had started to drift along one side of the ‘gate platform.

“Okay, Levi, dial us home,” said Gryff.

She moved to help Toby and Jason secure everything on the cart for the bumpy trip back up the stairs to the ‘gate. She hadn’t even realized she’d been counting the locking chevrons until there was a ringing silence after number six.


“It won’t lock!” he said, hitting the panels again, a little harder this time.

Nothing happened.

“Every time,” muttered Jason, resignedly. “Every time somebody at the SGC breakes the ‘gate, it’s us who get stuck off-world.”

“We don’t know it’s the Earth ‘gate,” Toby pointed out.

“With our luck?” asked Gryff, smiling.

“Jason, Levi, see if you can find us a good place to pitch camp. Toby and I are gonna fiddle with DHD.”

Toby grinned. “Make sure there aren’t any salt monsters, energy creatures or piles of precariously-balanced papier-mâché rocks.”

“Not redshirts!” Levi called back, already halfway across the clearing.

Gryff laughed, and clapped her second-in-command on the shoulder. “C’mon, Toby. There’s not much chance we’ll get captured and thrown into a naquadah mine here.”

“Gryff, don’t say that!” he said, “You’ll jinx us!”


Current Mood:


drabble, stargate, sg-22, writerverse

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