[Stargate: Drabble] "Black Tie" [John/Rodney, G]

Aug 19, 2013 01:09

Title: Black Tie
Author: Ami Ven
Rating: G
Word Count: 400
Prompt: mcsheplets challenge #033 ‘black’
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Pairing(s): John Sheppard/Rodney McKay
Summary: Rodney packs for an Earth-side trip.

Black Tie

Wearing a uniform on a daily basis meant that Rodney didn’t have much of a civilian wardrobe. Most of the time, he never even thought about it, but there was a big conference on Earth he’d been invited to, and as the rest of the scientific community thought he was a crazy recluse, he needed to make a good impression.

Rodney scowled at his half-empty suitcase, then at the two suits hanging on his closet door. One was a dark gray (charcoal, Jeannie had called it, when he’d worn it to some ceremony at Madison’s school) and one was navy blue (a good color on him, Teyla had said, when he’d bought it). Both still fit him well and were reasonably fashionable, as far as he knew, so he couldn’t see a definitive reason to pick one over the other.

Of course, it probably didn’t matter which one he brought, anyway. John had already packed his dress uniform neatly into their garment bag, and even with the gray beginning to show at his temples, he was still devastatingly handsome. Rodney was sure nobody at the conference would even notice him, next to John. Not that he would consider not bringing John to one of these things- they were almost torture to go to alone.

“You should bring the tux,” said a voice, suddenly.

Rodney whirled. “Sheppard!” he snapped, then frowned. “You weren’t supposed to be home this early.”

“I left Lorne with most of the paperwork,” said John, grinning. “I didn’t want to miss this.”

Rodney’s scowl deepened, and he crossed his arms. “Well, that’s just great, make fun of the geek. You know, not all of us can just throw on a uniform and be ridiculously attractive. Some of us have to put in a good amount of work, and we still don’t look half as-”

He broke off, mostly because John had crossed the room to kiss him, hard. “Bring your tux,” John repeated, pulling back just far enough that they could breathe again. “Because I hardly ever get to see you in it, and if I’m going to be stuck making small talk with a room full of scientists all night, I should at least have something nice to look at.

“Nice?” Rodney repeated, frowning slightly.

“Hot,” John corrected. “Bring the tux.”

Rodney smiled. “Well, it is supposed to be a black tie affair, isn’t it?”


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drabble, john/rodney, mcsheplets, stargate atlantis

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