[Stargate: Drabble] "Space Pirates" [Daniel/Vala, PG]

Apr 25, 2013 23:15

Title: Space Pirates
Prompt: writerverse challenge #36 quick fic amnesty (‘freedom,’ ‘space travel,’ ‘leaving’ & ‘earth’)
Current/Past: past
Word Count: 441
Rating: PG
Original/Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Pairings: Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran
Summary: Daniel refuses to think of it as their pirate ship.
Note(s): based on one of the one-sentence fics from a couple of Phases ago & originally posted to the writerverse wv_library

Space Pirates

Daniel finished with the laces of his ridiculous leather outfit and glanced over at Vala, who looked just as dangerous and sexy in hers as the first time he’d seen her in it, then headed toward the cockpit of the al’kesh he absolutely did not think of as their pirate ship.

The instruments all registered in the green, for once, and he let out a sigh of relief. Sometimes, he wished Sam could have come with them- she’d have had the al’kesh purring like a kitten, instead of barely keeping it together- but he knew that was impossible. Sam was much more important where she was.

With the apparent defeat of the Ori, Stargate Command had been eager to return to exploring the galaxy, but Henry Hayes’s successor as President had taken them all by surprise. The newly elected Commander-in-Chief had campaigned on change and progress- didn’t they all?- but instead of continuing with Hayes’s plan to work toward making the Stargate Program public, he’d tried to have them shut down. Permanently.

Sam and Jack, both highly-decorated generals, had managed to keep the SGC intact, but it was slow going. Too slow, especially for literal ‘resident aliens’ living on Earth.

And when Daniel had been faced with the choice of letting the government confine Vala beneath a mountain for the rest of her life, or running away with her in a broken-down Goa’uld spaceship, it had been the easiest decision he’d ever made.

“You’re thinking too much, darling,” said Vala, leaning in the cockpit doorway.

Daniel turned to simply look at her, all sleek curves and wicked smiles, until she sauntered over to him.

“Were you thinking about me?” she teased.

He took her hand, a gesture so familiar he did it almost automatically, now. “I was, actually,” he said, smiling.

“Good things?”

“Always,” Daniel promised. He moved toward the pilot’s seat and tugged her into his lap. “Except when I’m thinking very bad things.”

Vala shivered delightedly and leaned in to kiss him. Daniel kissed her back, almost still surprised at his own daring- once, he would never have even thought of saying things like that, but after a few weeks alone with Vala in a tiny ship, he’d learned to occasionally take the metaphorical offensive.

Daniel liked to believe that, someday, they’d be able to go back to Earth. He missed Jack and Sam and Teal’c- even Cam. He knew their raids on Lucien Alliance factions and stubborn Ori sects would get them into real trouble eventually.

But just then, they had three more hours until they got where they were going, and Daniel had decided to enjoy them.


Current Mood:


drabble, stargate, daniel/vala, writerverse

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