[Stargate: Drabble] "Fire Station 22" [SG-22, G]

Mar 24, 2013 23:05

Title: Fire Station 22
Prompt: writerverse challenge #3 table of doom, alpha list #10 this picture
Word Count: 778
Rating: G
Original/Fandom: Stargate SG-1 ( SG-22, original characters)
Pairings: implied Jack/Sam
Setting: the firemen AU from the episode “Changeling”
Summary: The guys from Fire Station 22 are crazy.
Note(s): originally posted to the writerverse wv_library

Fire Station 22

It had taken T less than ten minutes after meeting them at the Arson Prevention seminar last spring to determine that the four members of Fire Station 22 were crazy.

For one thing, they were all volunteers- their captain, Gryff, also ran the Albion Public Library; Tobias, her second, owned a mechanic shop on the next street; Jason, a former marine, was also a deputy sheriff; and Levi, an actual PhD doctor, taught sociology up at Colorado State- and for another, all four of them lived, together, in the old firehouse.

But it had taken even less time last fall, after they had come to help with a four-alarm fire for him to realize that as crazy as they were, they were also very good firefighters. Which was why he had no trouble with having them as backup for the few days that Sam and Jonas were both gone to that new technologies seminar.

When they got the call, station 22’s battered fire engine arrived on the scene only a few minutes after they had, and Gryff hopped out to confer with Jack before they’d even come to a complete stop. It took them only a few minutes to put out the fire- it had started at the stove, probably a gas leak, and had caused more smoke than actual flames.

“Search the house, just in case,” ordered Jack. “Make sure there’s no more fires and especially no people.”

They split up, fanning out into the house. T ended up paired with Gryff, headed upstairs.

“Clear,” he declared, when they had checked the last bedroom.

“Hang on,” said Gryff. She open the closet door, revealing not clothes but a narrow staircase. “There’s a window in the attic,” she explained, and hurried up the stairs- despite her bulky jacket and oxygen tank, she could still get into small spaces better than anyone he’d ever known.

“Wait, Gryff-!” said T, taking the stairs more carefully.

“Guys!” she shouted back. “Hey! Up here!”

When T got to the top of the stairs, he found her kneeling beside a teenaged boy, checking his pulse. The tiny attic still smelled strongly of smoke- there seemed to be a vent straight from the kitchen, though it was dissipating quickly.

“Is he okay?” T asked.

“I think he just passed out,” said Gryff, as the others made it up the stairs.

Toby dropped to one knee beside her. “I think you’re right. His pulse is strong and his breathing seems steady.”

As if on cue, the boy coughed and struggled to sit up. “Easy now,” said Gryff, grabbing his shoulder. “You okay?”

He coughed some more, then nodded. “Yeah.”

“What were you doing up here?” Jack demanded. “You live here?”

The boy shook his head. “No. I was going by on my bike, and I heard screaming. I thought someone was in trouble, so I came in to help. But it was just a parrot- it flew out the window as soon as I got it open, and I… I guess I didn’t quite make it back down the stairs.”

“I guess not,” Toby agreed. “What’s your name?”

“Billy. William Chen.”

“Well, Billy, we’d better let the paramedics check you out when they get here. But if you tell Captain Gryff your phone number, she can call your parents and let them know you’re all right.”

The boy’s face fell. “I don’t have any parents,” he said, quietly. “I’m staying at the Boys’ Home on Eleventh Street.”

“Ah,” said Gryff. “I see. Well, really, Toby, the paramedics should look at him. But if we’re going to write up a proper report of this incident, we’re going to need a thorough statement from our witness. I’ll call up the Boys’ Home and tell them that we’ll need to have Billy stay at the firehouse overnight.”

“Better make it two, sir,” added Jason, catching the look of relief on Billy’s face. “Since our computer’s on the fritz.”

“Our computer isn’t-” Levi began, but broke off when Jason elbowed him. “Oh. I mean, yeah, it’s completely broken.”

“Great!” said Gryff. “Let’s go.”


A week later, T was restocking supplies in the back of their fire engines when Jack wandered in. “Hey, T,” he said. “Carter and I were over in Albion, picking up some special part for her motorcycle, and guess who we ran into?”

“Gryff and her boys,” said T- Albion wasn’t that big of a town.

“Yep,” Jack agreed. “All five of them.”

T arched a questioning eyebrow. “Five?”

“Yep,” said Jack, again. “That kid they found, Billy- they decided to keep him.”

T shook his head. He wasn’t surprised in the slightest.


Current Mood:


drabble, stargate, sg-22, writerverse

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