Title: Girls Only
Author: Ami Ven
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
ncisdrabble100 challenge #325 ‘day’
Character(s): Ziva David, Abby Sciuto
Summary: Ziva and Abby take a day off.
Girls Only
Ziva had never realized how much fun it could be to have a ‘girlfriend’. She had never been all that close to the girls her own age growing up- she supposed that Jenny was the closest she’d come since then, but they’d done more work than play.
But sitting in a salon, sipping a fruity drink and having her toenails painted a delicate pink, Ziva looked over at Abby and grinned. “It is nice to have time for a ‘girls only’ day, yes?”
Abby grinned back over her own fruity drink. “Yes,” she agreed. “We should do this more often.”
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