[Stargate: Drabble] "Thanksgiving" [Daniel/Vala, Sam/Jack, G]

Nov 22, 2012 01:29

Title: Thanksgiving
Author: Ami Ven
Rating: G
Word Count: 481
Prompt: daniel_vala where-are-they-now-apaloosa 2012
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Pairing(s): Daniel/Vala, Sam/Jack & implied Teal'c/Ishta (technically, also part of the future!verse)
Summary: Thanksgiving at the Jacksons’ with the whole family.


Vala frowned at the dishes covering their kitchen table, then looked back at her husband. “And you’re sure these are actually traditional Earth recipes?” she asked.

Daniel nodded, wiping his hands on a dishtowel. “Yes, these are all traditional recipes. Although, I did mention that most of them are only prepared on Thanksgiving.”

“Well, I should hope so! This seems like a lot of work to make dinner, especially for a planet where processed and pre-prepared food is so readily available.”

“You were the one who wanted an ‘old-fashioned American Thanksgiving’,” Daniel reminded her. “Besides, it wasn’t all work, was it?”

Vala grinned at the memory of how the turkey had almost not ended up in the oven on time. “Not all of it, no.”

From the hallway, the doorbell chimed- just when the oven timer dinged.

“I’ll get the door,” said Daniel quickly, grinning when Vala stuck her tongue out at him, and headed for the hall. “Did you all come together?”

“Hello to you, too, Daniel,” said Jack, dryly, pushing a covered dish into the archaeologist’s hands.

“Sorry we’re late,” said Sam, rearranging Jake’s baby carrier to give Daniel a one-armed hug. “We’ve got the baby, and Teal’c had to bring Ishta from the Mountain when she arrived, but I don’t know what Cam’s excuse is.”

“Hey,” Cam protested, but with a smile. “Where do you want the beer?”

“In the fridge,” said Daniel. “Come on in, make yourselves at home. Dinner’s almost ready…”

“Thank you for the invitation, Daniel-Jackson,” said Ishta, closing the front door behind her. “I am most anxious to experience an Earth holiday.”

Jack led the way through to the living room, settling onto the couch with Jake. “Thanksgiving prepared by an alien,” he said, grinning. “As American as apple pie.”

“Apple pie?” repeated Vala, halfway through hugging Cam hello. “Was I supposed to make that? Daniel said-”

“We have pumpkin pie and sweet potato pie,” Daniel interrupted. “Which will be just fine.”

“Is there anything we can do to be of assistance?” asked Teal’c.

Something dinged from the kitchen. “Yes,” said Vala. “You can carry the turkey in to the table.”

Everyone helped move the food to the dining room, and Vala worked her magic to make sure everyone ended up in the right seats. Jack was at one end of the table, with Jake between her and Sam. Vala was next to her, with Cam at the table’s other end. Daniel sat across from Vala, next to Ishta, who listening with interestedly as he explained something, with Teal’c on Ishta’s other side.

“At Grandma Mitchell’s,” said Cam, as Jack carved the turkey, “we’d all go around and say something we were thankful for. But I’m guessing we might all be thankful for a lot of the same things.”

“A toast, then?” Daniel suggested. “To family.”

They all raised their glasses. “To family.”


Current Mood:


daniel_vala, drabble, stargate, sam/jack, daniel/vala

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