Actual Journal Entry

Jun 13, 2012 02:12

I am beyond thrilled to have a full-time job. Honestly, it's a very, very good thing. But I don't know if I can take much more of this HR lady and her nonsense.

I've been a temp at MOPAC (Moyer Packing) since Christmas, part-time, second shift. And when my temp time was up, they said they wanted to hire me full-time. Second shift at the scale isn't enough hours to be full-time, so I'd make up the extra hours being an assistant/clerk/whatever in the larger office.

Okay, fine by me.

Then, the day-shift person went on vacation (there's only one of us on each shift, overlapping by about an hour) and they asked me to switch my time from 1-9pm to 11am-7pm, so I could help out the girl from the office filling in.

Okay, again. It's only a week.

Yesterday, when the day-shift lady was back, I talked to her, and we agreed it would be back to my normal time. Then, the HR lady says, why didn't you come in early? Um, because the day-shift lady is busy enough, and we figured the three hours between her shift and mine would be enough time to start teaching me more about the day-shift stuff I'm supposed to be learning. Nope, that's no good. HR lady wants me to come in early. But the day-shift lady was busy, so I'd have to go to the office and start learning that stuff. Early. And, oh, by the way, you also need to stay late to keep up with the stuff you already know.

So, my schedule tomorrow (and, though I hope not) for the near future is 11am-8pm. And the ladies in the office don't know I'm coming, and probably have no idea how to get me started. Great. After adjusting to a second-shift schedule, I have to haul my butt out of bed to learn stuff no one is ready to teach me that I've never even seen them do before, then walk over to the other building and do my entire original job.

I realize that a job is supposed to be no fun, but I was kind of hoping it would make a little more sense than this. And now, I'm cranky and miserable, which I just know will be worse tomorrow after not enough sleep and too much work.

Anyone want to cheer me up with some fanfic links? Stargate, Firefly, Sherlock (BBC), Star Trek... whatever (I can't access LJ at work, but I can get to FanFiction.Net, so...) Thanks!

Current Mood:

pissed off


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