[Star Wars: Drabble] "General Chaos" [G]

Nov 22, 2011 13:48

Title: General Chaos
Author: Ami Ven
Rating: G
Word Count: 300
Prompt: a cheering-up fic for suzll
Fandom: Star Wars
Character(s): Wedge Antilles, Wes Janson, Hobbie Klivian, Tycho Celchu
Summary: Long ago, Wedge had dreamed of being a general...

General Chaos

Just once, early on in his Rebellion career, when he'd still been young and naive- well, not that naive, but still- he'd fantasized about surviving long enough to be promoted to general.

In that brief moment, he imagined himself in his general's uniform, sitting in a spotless office, going over fleet logistics on his large holographic display. The dream lasted long enough to imagine an equally immaculately-uniformed subordinate to salute and rush to carry out his orders.

Then, the Rebellion had packed up and headed for Hoth, and Wedge hadn't had a single spare moment to waste on pointless daydreaming- it was a hyperdrive-speed blur after that, with the destruction of the second Death Star, and forming Rogue Squadron, and taking Coruscant.

In fact, Wedge had forgotten about it entirely until he actually found himself in his very own office, looking over fleet movements on his holo-display. He stopped, right in the middle of reallocating cargo ships, to huff a small laugh. All he needed was a uniformed subordinate and-

His office door swished open. "Wedge!" cried Janson, barreling into the room. He was, technically, in uniform, but he had the top of his flight suit tied around his waist. "Hey, Wedge, remember that thing we were talking about last week...?"

Wedge sighed. "Tell me you didn't."

"Okay," Janson agreed easily. "But if you don't want to know, you better not come to the hangar bay."

"Wedge!" Hobbie raced in, then stopped short. "Oh, good, Wes already told you."

The general sank into his desk chair. "Why did I ever want to be a general?" he asked no one in particular.

"Because otherwise they'd have promoted Wes," said Tycho, appearing at last. "And nobody would have wanted that."

Wedge finally smiled. "All right, let's go see what damaged you've caused..."


Current Mood:


drabble, star wars

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