[Stargate: Drabble] "Fifty Years: Part Thirteen" [Daniel/Vala, PG]

May 14, 2011 00:22

Series Title: Fifty Years Not Trapped in a Time Dilation Field
Drabble Title: Thirteen
Author: Ami Ven
Rating: PG
Word Count: 500
Prompt: daniel_vala Springtime Is for Lovers 2011 challenge (continued)
Pairing(s): Daniel/Vala
Summary: "I hate being sick."




Daniel looked up from his translation notes to see that the cocoon of blankets on the living room couch had shifted and eight-year-old David was looking blearily at him.

"Hey," he said, softly. "How are you-?"

He broke off as David turned a shade paler and leaned over to throw up into the plastic bucket beside the couch. "I hate being sick," David moaned.

Daniel handed him a cup of water. "Yeah, not exactly my idea of a good time, either." He waited until his son had rinsed his mouth, then set the cup on the end table. "How are you feeling?"

The boy arched one eyebrow. "Other than the puking?"

He suppressed a smile- somebody was clearly spending too much time with Uncle Jack. "Yes, other than the puking."

"Tired," said David, flopping back onto his pillow. "I hate being sick."

"You mentioned that," said Daniel. "Do you think you'll be able to drink some tea if I make it?"

David nodded and didn't protest when his father tucked the blankets back around him. It was a mark of how bad he must be feeling, since he usually refused any amount of parental 'fussing'.

Once he made sure his son was comfortable, Daniel headed for the kitchen. Keeping one eye on David, he made a whole pot of the mild green tea Vala swore through all five pregnancies was the best thing for upset stomachs. He poured two mugs full, then pulled out a package of saltine crackers for good measure.

"Come on, kiddo," he said, coming back into the living room. "You've got to sit up to drink this."

David leveraged himself upright. "I hate being sick."

"Yeah, I know," said Daniel, handing him a cup of tea. "Mom says this stuff works every time."

His son took a small sip, then waited. When nothing happened, he took a bigger drink and smiled.

"Better?" Daniel asked.

David nodded.

"Good. If you can keep most of that down, we'll start you on crackers."


They drank their tea in silence for a while, then David said, "I'm sorry you couldn't go to PX-whatever with Mom and everybody."

"What?" asked Daniel.

"That planet with the temple thing they're exploring today. The one that you think might be Ancient, so Uncle Jack had to come along, too. I know how much you wanted to study it, so I'm sorry you couldn't go."

"I'm not," said Daniel, and it was David's turn to ask, "What?"

"Yes, I was looking forward to it," his father continued. "But this is more important."

"More important than Ancient temples?"

Daniel smiled. "Absolutely. Being a dad trumps being an archaeologist, any day."


"Really. Besides, the HR department has been on my case to use up my vacation time."

"Dad..." said David. "Thanks for staying home with me today."

"You're welcome," said Daniel. "Now, let's see what's on the History Channel."

"Actually, do you think we could watch some hockey?"

"All right, hockey it is."


Current Mood:


daniel_vala, drabble, stargate, daniel/vala, fifty years drabble series

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