[Stargate: Fiction] "What's Real" [Sam/Jack, PG]

Apr 24, 2011 20:55

Title: What's Real
Author: Ami Ven
Rating: PG
Word Count: 536
Prompt: sj_everyday creative challenge
Pairing: Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill
Setting: (possible) missing scene from "Beneath the Surface"
Summary: Jonah woke the moment his lumpy mattress dipped under the sudden weight of another person.
Note(s): inspired by txduck's graphic: here

What's Real

Jonah woke the moment his lumpy mattress dipped under the sudden weight of another person.

He tensed instantly, but before he could move, he caught a flash of gold hair and blue eyes in the dim firelight.

"Thera," he breathed, thoroughly confused.

She didn't reply, just stretched out beside him on her stomach, propping herself up on her elbows. Despite the relative heat of the sleeping quarters, she still wore her quilted jacket, buttoned up under her chin. It was one of the first things Jonah had noticed about her- that she didn't want people to notice her. Her baggy clothes, ragged haircut and big words were all designed to keep people uninterested. She didn't touch anyone unless it was strictly necessary, and she was decidedly uncomfortable with anyone touching her.

Except for him.

Why hadn't he noticed that before? Not that he made a habit of touching her, but now that he thought about it, she had never once shied away from him, as he'd seen her do with others. In fact, she seemed to expect him to be there. Just that morning, she'd been fixing one of the machines, climbing up the side of it despite his warnings that it looked rusty, and without a word, without even looking, she'd put her hand on his shoulder for balance.

Like she'd known he'd be standing right there, like she knew the distance between them at all times.

Just like she had to know how little space there was between them right now, close enough he could feel her warmth, her knuckles brushing his.

"Hey," he managed, realizing neither of them had spoken.

"Hey," she whispered back.

Thera fiddled with the rough blanket and without thinking, he set his hand over hers.

"You okay?" Jonah asked softly.

"Do you think Carlin is right?" she blurted. "That we have lives and memories we can't remember?"

He sighed and propped himself up on one elbow, still holding her hand in his own. "I don't know," he admitted. "It's possible."

"I just..." Thera whispered. "Sometimes, I think there must be more than this. And then I think that's crazy, there can't be. But either way... either way, you're always there, and sometimes- sometimes, I think the only truly real thing in my life is you."

Jonah squeezed her hand gently, then reached for her shoulder. "C'mere."

She rolled toward him immediately, fitting snug against his side without hesitation and tucking her head under his chin. He moved his arm more securely around her shoulders, then slid the other around her waist. He could feel her heartbeat, starting off fast but rapidly slowing, and her breath soft against his skin.

He really shouldn't let her stay. They both had work, and while it wasn't unusual for workers to reorganize their sleeping arrangements, but he respected Thera far too much to let something like this affect her reputation unless she wanted it to.

Reluctantly, Jonah began to pull away, but she slid closer, fingers tight on the fabric of his shirt.

"Thank you," she said against his shoulder, so that he felt as much as heard her words.

He tightened his hold on her and settled in for the night. "Always."


Current Mood:


sj_everyday, fanfiction, sam/jack

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