caseland Challenge #31 MultiMedia BINGO

Apr 22, 2011 22:11

Theme: Romance
Author: Ami Ven
Rating: PG
Fandom(s): NCIS, Bones, Castle, NCIS: LA & Psych
Pairing(s): Abby/McGee, Tony/Ziva, Deeks/Kensi, Booth/Brennan, Beckett/Castle, Gibbs/Jenny & Juliet/Shawn
Media: eight drabbles & a mini-fanmix

01. Handcuffs

Pairing: Abby Sciuto/Tim McGee
Fandom: NCIS
Word Count: 100

The third time Abby caught McGee glancing guiltily at the bandages wrapped around both her wrists, then just as quickly glancing away, she tugged the keyboard out from under his fingers.

"It wasn't your fault," she said, softly.

He shook his head, refusing to meet her eyes. "They were my handcuffs."

She rested gentle fingers under his chin, forcing him to look at her. "Yes," she admitted. "But you were the one who rescued me, Tim. That's what I'm going to remember."

He managed a smile. "You can count on me for a rescue anytime, Abs."

She grinned. "I know."

02. Repeat

Pairing: Tony DiNozzo/Ziva David
Fandom: NCIS
Word Count: 100

Tony's pronunciation was atrocious.

Being the daughter of the Mossad director, Ziva had heard many, many people from many, many countries attempting to speak Hebrew, with varying levels of success. And yet none of them had been quite as bad at forming the words as her partner.

And yet, he didn't give up. Tony was determined, not just to be conversational in Hebrew, but completely fluent, no matter how badly Ziva winced when he practiced.

It was quite possibly the sweetest thing anyone had ever done for her.

And finally hearing her native language from him was worth every repetition.

03. Fashion

Pairing: Marty Deeks/Kensi Blye
Fandom: NCIS: LA
Word Count: 100

Thanks to their frequent undercover assignments, Deeks had seen Kensi wearing just about everything, from formal events to cases where she didn't have time to change clothes for days at a time.

And while he could certainly appreciate the image of Kensi in a figure-hugging dress, hair curled to perfection and walking with a sway to her hips that reminded him exactly where she kept her gun, it was never a match for the sight of his partner wearing faded blue jeans and one of his shirts, wandering barefoot through his apartment.

He could definitely get used to seeing that.

04. Yellow

Pairing: Seely Booth/Temperance Brennan
Fandom: Bones
Word Count: 100

They painted the room yellow.

Only a short time ago, Brennan would probably have objected to that, with a long explanation of how 'blue for boys' and 'pink for girls'- and, for that matter, using yellow for either sex- was purely a societal construct that would have no bearing on the child's development or gender identity.

But now, feeling that child growing inside her, it didn't feel so ridiculous.

"It looks wonderful, Booth," she said, looking around at the buttercup-colored walls, picturing the room full of cheerful white furniture, brightly-colored toys and the sound of a baby's laugh. "It's perfect."

Own Choice

Title: It's a Feeling like This
Subject: caseland couples

Link (04/22/2011):

01. "What Do You Want from Me?" by: Adam Lambert

Just don't give up I'm workin it out
Please don't give in, I won't let you down
It messed me up, need a second to breathe
Just keep coming around

02. "The Shoop Shoop Song (It's in His Kiss)" by: Betty Everett

Oh oh oh, kiss him and squeeze him tight
And find out what you wanna know
If it's love, if it really is
It's there in his kiss

03. "This Kiss" by: Faith Hill

It’s the way you love me
It’s a feeling like this
It’s centrifugal motion
It’s perpetual bliss

04. "Until the Day I Die" by: Story of the Year

Well make the same mistakes
I'll take the fall for you
I hope you need this now
'cause I know I still do.

05. "My Life Would Suck Without You" by: Kelly Clarkson

Because we belong together now
Forever united here somehow
Yeah you got a piece of me
And honestly
My life would suck without you

Close Up

Pairing: Kate Beckett/Rick Castle
Fandom: Castle
Word Count: 100

When she first met Rick Castle, Beckett thought he was a jerk.

His whole image fairly shouted 'rich, egotistical playboy', the kind of man who thought his money meant the rules didn't apply to him, that he could buy his way out of any situation- or into the pants of any girl he wanted.

Except, that's all it was. An image.

Oh, Castle could play at being a scoundrel with the best of them, but Beckett had learned the truth, up close and personal. In private, he was kind and thoughtful.

And she liked this version of him much better.

07. Blood

Pairing: LJ Gibbs/Jenny Shepard
Fandom: NCIS
Word Count: 100

It was a common superstition that redheads were hot-tempered.

When Gibbs had met his new partner, he'd thought he'd found the exception to that rule- Jenny Shepard was ambitious and driven, but downright cold.

Until their first firefight, where Gibbs took a bullet graze to the ribs. Jenny pressed her scarf against his side, hissing a stream of what could only be curses in languages he couldn't even name.

"-even try that again and I'll kill you myself!" she cried, switching back to English.

Gibbs grinned at her, despite her continued scowling.

He'd always had a thing for redheads.

08. A Pair

Pairing: Angela Montenegro/Jack Hodgins
Fandom: Bones
Word Count: 100

Angela had been sure she would never get married.

There had never seemed any point to it. She believed in faithfulness, certainly, in being true to the person she was with. But human lives drifted apart as frequently as they converged, and she accepted each coming and going as a natural part of life. A marriage license was just another form of legal contract, and she could definitely do with fewer of those.

But with Hodgins, it suddenly seemed important to make it legal, to announce to the whole world that they were together, permanently.

'Til death did them part.

09. Good & Evil

Pairing: Juliet O'Hara/Shawn Spencer
Fandom: Psych
Word Count: 100

"All I'm saying," said Shawn, "is that if, for some reason, this while police thing doesn't work out, you could totally rock a black trench coat and become a gun-for-hire, dispensing vigilante justice and righting wrongs."

Juliet arched one eyebrow at him. "And you'd come with me, of course."

"Of course," he agreed. "Every kick-ass crime-fighting hero- or heroine- needs a spunky and handsome partner."

She laughed, and leaned against his shoulder. "Shawn, if I ever go rogue, you'd be the first person I'd turn to."


"Assuming it wasn't your fault, of course."

He grinned. "Count on me, Jules."

Current Mood:


ncis_la, gibbs/jenny, castle, juliet/shawn, beckett/castle, psych, drabble, caseland, tony/ziva, bones, deeks/kensi, ncis, abby/mcgee, fanmix

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