[Castle: Drabble] "Stepmother Wanted" [Castle/Beckett, G]

Oct 26, 2010 05:06

Title: Stepmother Wanted
Author: Ami Ven
Rating: G
Word Count: 200
Prompt: caseland challenge #24 'relationships'
Character(s): Alexis Castle
Pairing(s): Rick Castle/Kate Beckett
Summary: Alexis really wished her dad and Detective Beckett would stop dancing around each other soon.

Stepmother Wanted

Alexis really wished her dad and Detective Beckett would stop dancing around each other soon.

And for entirely selfish reasons, at that. Because in Alexis's opinion, Kate Beckett was the best thing that had ever happened to him.

Alexis loved her mother, of course. And she had... affection, in varying degrees, for all of her father's ex-wives.

But in the time her dad had been working with Beckett, the detective had become more than just his inspiration, she had become a part of the family. When Alexis found herself in need of a woman's advice, it was not her mother- not even her Gram- she sought out, but Detective Beckett, who always listened and never steered her wrong.

Besides, her dad really needed someone who could put him in his place when he deserved it, and nobody was better at that than Beckett. But Alexis knew the detective truly cared for her dad- no matter what she might say to the contrary.

And her dad loved Beckett. More importantly, he respected her, which Alexis wasn't sure she could say for some of his wives.

She really hoped they got their act together soon.

Alexis had never wanted a stepmother before.


Current Mood:


drabble, caseland, castle, beckett/castle

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