[NCIS] "Not So Above It" [G]

Aug 26, 2024 03:02

Title: Not So Above It
Author: Ami Ven
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Prompt: ncisdrabble100 challenge 904 ‘above’
Character(s): Tim McGee, Tony DiNozzo, Kate Todd, Ducky Mallard, Jethro Gibbs
Setting: vaguely early seasons
Summary: NCIS has an unexpected prankster.

Not So Above It

“Tony!” began McGee, striding into the bullpen, “I can’t believe you-”

He stopped short, staring at his partner, who was equally as wet.

“Wasn’t me, Probie,” Tony snorted, struggling with his tie knot.


“Children!” interrupted Kate, stomping in and wringing her hair over her desk trashcan. “I work with children and- Wait, why are you both wet?”

The back elevator pinged.

“Anthony,” said Ducky, holding out his dripping hat, “I usually enjoy your antics, but-”

Gibbs swept through to his desk, “Huh. Didn’t know it was raining.

The others shared incredulous looks, then burst out laughing.


Current Mood:


ncisdrabble100, drabble, ncis

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