[NCIS/Firefly] "Take the Sky" [G]

Jun 17, 2024 03:22

Title: Take the Sky
Author: Ami Ven
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Prompt: ncisdrabble100 challenge 895 ‘the sky’
Character(s): Tony DiNozzo, Abby Sciuto, Ducky Mallard, Kate Todd, Jethro Gibbs
Setting: Firefly AU, sequel to Exquisite Experience, missing scene from Out in the Black, and before The Same Side
Summary: Gibbs’s team needs a ship.

Take the Sky

“The butt glows,” said Tony, looking warily at the battered spaceship Abby had dragged them all to see.

She frowned. “Firefly is the most reliable class in the ‘verse. A half-way decent mechanic could keep her running, and I’m the best.”

“Indeed you are, my dear,” said Ducky.

Kate also looked wary. “And the price?”

“Totally affordable,” Abby promised.

“Can you get the butt not to glow?” pressed Tony.

“That’s part of the charm.”

“Yeah, but-”

“Gibbs,” interrupted Kate. “What do you think?”

They all turned to look at him.

“She’s good, Abs?”

Abby nodded. “She’s perfect.”

“Okay, then.”


Current Mood:

need coffee

ncisdrabble100, drabble, ncis_firefly_au, ncis

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