[Star Trek] "Sufficient Review" [G]

Jun 10, 2024 03:41

Title: Sufficient Review
Author: Ami Ven
Prompt: writerverse phase 23, challenge 02 prompt 01 future / 02 Kirk & Spock
Word Count: 600
Rating: G
Fandom: Star Trek (The Original Series)
Character(s): James T. Kirk, Spock
Summary: “You may begin when you are ready.”

Sufficient Review

“Hey, Spock, why don’t we sit over here?”

Jim used his meal tray to indicate a small table in the corner of the mess hall, and Spock followed him over to it.

“You may begin when you are ready,” said Spock.

“What?” said Jim, who had just taken a big bite of his chicken sandwich. He swallowed, then said, “Sorry. Begin what?”

“You have been conducting personnel evaluation interviews for the last three-point-seven days, primarily in the mess hall or recreation room, and in no discernable order. While you and I frequently take our meals together, you generally prefer a larger table so that others may join us or feel comfortable to approach. I logically concluded that you were conducting my interview now.”

Jim smiled. “You got me, Spock. I’d guess you’d prefer I skip the small talk, too, huh?”

His first officer nodded. “It would be appreciated. And I do not understand why you do not hold these interviews in your quarters, or by appointment.”

“C’mon, Spock, that’d be like calling people into the principal’s office. I want these assessments to be a conversation.”

“Very well, captain. What did you wish to discuss?”

“How you’re doing,” said Jim. “How you like your job.”

“My job is more than sufficient,” he said, and the captain laughed.

“More than sufficient,” he repeated. “That’s high praise from you.”

“Indeed it is,” Spock agreed. “I find my work both challenging and rewarding.”

“I’m glad to hear it. And your personal life - you don’t have to tell me anything, but you can, if you’d like to.”

“I am well, captain,” said Spock, with a nod of thanks. “My ‘personal life’ is thankfully uneventful and I am satisfied with it. Also, I received a message from my mother earlier today, and she wishes me to convey her affection to you.”

Jim brightened. “She does? That’s sweet of her. Tell her I send my love back.”

“I shall,” said Spock.

“Great,” said Jim. “So, we know you’re doing well right now. What about the future?”

Spock arched an eyebrow. “I am unable to predict the future, captain.”

“Don’t be a smart aleck, Spock,” said Jim. “I’m talking about your career future. What are your goals.”

“My goal is to continue performing my duties, captain.”

“That’s it? You don’t want to be, I don’t know, head of Starfleet Science or to command your own ship?”

“I am not ambitious,” said Spock. “When I joined Starfleet and began my training as a science officer, my goal was to attain a rank and position where I could be of use. I have succeeded. Here on the Enterprise, my skills are valued and my knowledge is continually expanding.”

“You could command a science ship,” Jim suggested.

“This idea of command holds no allure for me, captain. I can command a ship, if required, but I do not desire to do so regularly.”

“A science station, then,” said Jim.

Spock paused. “You will remember how I was described by Miss Keeler,” he said, gently. “As though I had always been by your side, and always would be.”

“I remember,” Jim breathed.

“I believe she was correct. If I am required to have a goal for my current Starfleet career, I propose that it should be to stay by your side, Jim.”


“Unless you do not wish me to stay?”

“No!” Jim said, quickly. “I mean, of course I want you to stay, Spock. But I don’t want to hold you back, either.”

“You do not,” Spock said, simply. “Is that sufficient for my review, captain?”

Jim smiled. “Yeah, that’ll do.”


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fanfiction, star trek, writerverse

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