[Supernatural] "Put on Some Speed" [Cas/Dean, G]

Apr 03, 2024 04:07

Title: Put on Some Speed
Author: Ami Ven
Prompt: writerverse phase 22 challenge 01 prompt 07 “ Won’t you tell him please / To put on some speed / Follow my lead, oh, how I need / Someone to watch over me” - (“Someone to Watch Over Me”, Ella Fitzgerald)
Word Count: 345
Rating: G
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing(s): Castiel/Dean Winchester
Character(s): Sam Winchester, Castiel
Summary: “Seriously, where are you?”

Put on Some Speed

“Hey, Cas,” said Sam, when the angel answered his phone. “Where are you?”

“I dislike your tone of voice. Is everything all right?”

“What? C’mon, Cas…”


“Yeah, okay,” he relented. “Nothing’s wrong, it’s just… Dean.”

“What’s the matter with Dean?” Cas asked, immediately, and Sam couldn’t help a smile.

“He’s fine, just a pain in my ass,” Sam told him. “While you were off helping Donna, Dean and I took a quick salt-and-burn. And it was fine - the ghost was easy to find, pretty easy to dig up, and it hadn’t managed to kill anyone yet. But Dean got knocked around pretty good. He’s not actually injured, he’s just stiff and sore and forty years old, and he’s taking it out on me.”

“I’m sure he doesn’t mean to,” said Cas.

“I’m sure he does,” Sam muttered. “Seriously, where are you? Even if you’re too low on mojo to actually heal him, you could just come and take care of him. You’re the only one who can.”

“I am on my way home now,” said Cas. “I’ve already stopped for gas, so I should arrive at the Bunker in about two hours.”

Sam let out a sigh of relief. “I can hide for that long. Just get here as soon as you can - Actually, on second thought, could you stop and get some pie?”

“I already did,” said Cas. “There was a diner next to the gas station.”

“Wow, that is…” Sam laughed. “You really do look out for him, don’t you?”

“If you are making another joke about ‘guardian angels’-” and Sam could hear the air quotes in Cas’s voice “-I have heard them all from Dean.”

“No,” he protested. “I mean, I’m glad. Dean takes care of so many people, I’m glad he has someone taking care of him.”

“I’m glad to do it,” Cas replied.

Sam jumped at the sound of a crash from somewhere in the direction of the kitchen, “Sammy!”

“I will hurry,” promised Cas.

“Thanks,” said Sam, and hurried to his room before Dean found him.


Current Mood:


supernatural, cas/dean, fanfiction, writerverse

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