[Star Trek TNG: Drabble] "Nothing Wild" [G]

Jan 14, 2024 02:31

Title: Nothing Wild
Author: Ami Ven
Prompt: writerverse phase 24 challenge 40 prompt 32 sky is the limit
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Fandom: Star Trek: The Next Generation
Character(s): Jean-Luc Picard, William Riker, Data, Beverly Crusher, Worf, Geordi LaForge, Deanna Troi
Setting: tag to s7e26 “All Good Things… (Part 2)”
Summary: “You don’t believe in beginner’s luck, Number One?”

Nothing Wild

“Now I have to ask, sir,” said Riker, gathering up the cards when the first hand was over, “Where did you learn to play poker like that?”

Picard smiled. “You don’t believe in beginner’s luck, Number One?”

“Not like that,” he laughed.

“Your skill at this game does suggest previous experience,” put in Data. “Doctor?”

Crusher shook her head, “No idea. Must have been before we met.”

“Perhaps, captain,” said Worf, “this tale can be a wager in the next hand.”

“Good idea,” agreed Geordi.

Deanna grinned. “You did say sky’s the limit, sir.”

Picard smiled back. “So I did.”


Current Mood:


drabble, star trek tng, writerverse

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