[Star Trek TOS: Drabble] "Sawbones" [G]

Dec 24, 2023 04:48

Title: Sawbones
Author: Ami Ven
Prompt: writerverse phase 24 challenge 40 prompt 26 Bones
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Fandom: Star Trek (original series)
Character(s): Leonard McCoy, Spock (& Gary Mitchell)
Setting: tag to s1e01 “Where No Man Has Gone Before”
Summary: “Jim’s the one who calls me Bones, but he didn’t start it.”


“Doctor?” asked Spock, softly. “Are you all right?”

McCoy didn’t look up from the tumbler in his hand. “Jim’s the one who calls me Bones, but he didn’t start it.”

“I understand it began with Lieutenant Mitchell.”

“Gary. Poor bastard…”

“Today is the anniversary of his death,” observed Spock.


“You were not responsible, doctor. You were not here.”

“But if I was, I could have…” He sighed. “Not logical to dwell, is it?”

“No,” Spock agreed. “I was not privy to the details of this ‘nickname’. Perhaps you would relate them?”

McCoy managed a smile. “See, what happened was…”


Current Mood:


drabble, star trek, writerverse

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