[MCU: Fiction] "Pick Up Lines" [Steve/Tony, G]

Nov 30, 2023 04:02

Title: Pick Up Lines
Author: Ami Ven
Prompt: writerverse phase 22 challenge 01 prompt 02 In his arms I was ascending / My world became a magic blending / Of dreams and hopes and love / When he danced with me - “He/She Danced With Me” (from The Slipper and the Rose)
Word Count: 1,375
Rating: G
Fandom: MCU / Avengers
Pairing(s): Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
Summary: Tony asks Steve to help him test some adjustments to their suits.

Pick Up Lines

“Hey,” said Steve, as he came into the lab. “JARVIS said you wanted to see me.”

Tony made a show of looking him up and down. “I always want to see you in that outfit.”

Steve frowned. “Please tell me I didn’t put on my uniform just so you could ogle me.”

“Of course not. The ogling is just a bonus.”


“I’ve made some adjustments to the armor that I need to test, which means I need Captain America in all his star-spangled glory.”

Steve snorted a laugh. “What kind of adjustments?”

Tony grinned. “Come up to the deck with me and I’ll show you.”

It was a short elevator ride up to the open deck where Tony’s suit assembly was located. Steve leaned against the wall, just watching the Iron Man armor form around him - of all the things in the future, Tony Stark was still the most amazing.

“Okay,” said Tony, stepping away from the last robotic arm, retracting the faceplate again. “Ready?”

“Sure,” Steve agreed.

“At this point, it’s fair to divide our team into ‘flying’ and ‘non-flying’,” Tony said. “With me being one of the airborne variety and you being decidedly ground-based.”

“That would be fair, yes,” said Steve.

“And of our colleagues, I’m the one you are most likely to catch a ride with.”

Steve nodded. “Also true.”

“So, let’s test this. I’m going to hover about two feet from the ground. You start over by that wall there, then come running over like you need an emergency pick-up and hop on.”

“With the shield?”

“With the shield,” said Tony. “C’mon, Cap, let’s go.”

Steve jogged over to the wall, hearing Iron Man’s repulsors activate behind him, and by the time he turned, Tony was hovering. Grinning, Steve ran back the way he’d come, dodging a little like there was someone pursuing him, then jumped to throw his free arm around Tony’s armored shoulders.

As always, they were perfectly in sync. Tony had already adjusted his repulsors so that Steve’s added weight and momentum wouldn’t knock them off balance, even when he brought one arm up around Steve’s waist.

“That was great,” said Steve. “What needs adjusting about that?”

“Plenty,” said Tony, lowering them back to the ground. “It was hard for you to catch hold, wasn’t it?

“A little,” Steve admitted, letting go. “The armor’s pretty slick.”

“And your foot slipped, too. You were dangling for a minute there, until I caught you, which puts me a repulsor down.”

“Oh,” said Steve. “I didn’t think about any of that.”

“Of course you didn’t,” said Tony. “You grew up in the era of mend and make do. Creamed foods, patched clothes, newspapers in your shoes…”

“Sometimes I regret that you made friends with Bucky,” said Steve, but he didn’t mean it. “So, you made a few adjustments?”

“I’m an inventor,” said Tony. “Even if things work, I can make them work better.”

“Yes, you can,” Steve agreed.

“So, go again, and I’ll show you,” Tony said, activating his repulsors again.

Steve jogged back to the wall, then ran toward Tony.

This time, when Steve’s left hand hit the shoulder of the Iron Man armor, a small channel had opened up, just large enough to slide his fingers into and hold on tight. Something along the top of Tony’s boots provided perfect traction for his own, and with Steve able to hold on for himself, Tony could keep using both palm-mounted repulsors to fly or fight.

“Tony, this is amazing. Show me what you did, I want to see exactly.”

“I’m always happy to show off for you, Cap,” said Tony, and set them back on the deck. When Steve had given him a little room, Tony ducked his shoulder to show him the hidden catch. “There’s nothing vital going through there, so you don’t have to worry about yanking too hard and damaging anything. The part on boots is just a bit of textured Kevlar. The holds are on both shoulders, too, by the way.”

“That’s amazing,” Steve repeated. “You are some kind of genius.”

“You know, I’ve heard that,” said Tony. “But there’s more.”

“More what?”

“These handholds are just for short-range flight,” Tony explained. “But I’ve been working on something else for longer-range, or when there’s a lot of turbulence. Take off your belt.”

Steve smirked. “I was planning to thank you that way, but I can be flexible.”

“You…” Tony began, blinking in surprise. “I didn’t even mean that as an innuendo, and you… you just make things sound even dirtier.”

“It’s because I don’t use innuendo in every other sentence,” Steve teased. “It has more impact when you use it sparingly.”

“Yes, it does,” Tony agreed. “But if you want to see what I made for you, you actually do need to take your belt off.”

“We’ll save the other stuff for later,” Steve said, unbuckling his belt, and followed Tony over to a small rolling table against the other wall, where a seemingly-identical belt was waiting.

Up close, Steve could see that it wasn’t exactly identical, the same basic material but with a large buckle and no pockets.

“I just haven’t gotten around to adding the pouches,” Tony said, as though reading his mind, “So don’t worry, you’ll still be able to carry your snacks with you.”

“They don’t all have snacks in them,” protested Steve.

Tony ignored that. “There’s a clip under the buckle here.” He pulled it out, which unwound a length of cable behind it. “It’s only a foot long, but that way I could make it stronger.”

“And what do I clip it to?”

“Technically, you can clip it to anything,” said Tony. “The clip and the cable are rated to hold twice your own weight. But the main purpose was to let you clip onto my suit, so if we’re flying and you need to punch something or I have to pull some crazy maneuvers, neither of us needs to worry about you letting go or falling off.”

“Yeah?” said Steve. Tony’s faceplate was still up, so he leaned up to kiss him. “Thank you.”

Tony smiled. “You don’t even know if it works yet.”

“You made it, Tony, of course it works.” Steve set his old belt on the table and picked up the new one. “Show me.”

“It’s both a manual and an automatic,” said Tony. “There’s a ring in my suit, under this panel here, it - okay, I had planned to give it a cool-sounding name, but Clint was in the lab when I started working on it, and now I can only think of it as the belly button.”

Steve laughed. The small recess in the armor that Tony pointed out was about the same size and placement as a human belly button. “And I just clip on there?”

“Yep, that’s the manual way. For the automatic, there’s a clip in my suit that JARVIS can use to snag a ring on the other side of the belt buckle on your suit, but the accuracy isn’t great yet.”

“Okay,” said Steve. “Can we test it?”

“What, now?”

“Isn’t that why you asked me to come see it? Besides, I’ll take any excuse to go flying with you.”


Steve smiled. “Better than any ride at Coney Island.”

“High praise.” Tony held out a hand and put his faceplate down. “Dance with me, Cap.”

“Always,” replied Steve.

He stowed his shield in the magnetic harness on his back, then lowered his cowl and stepped closer. The belt buckle clip was easy to release, even one-handed, and fasten to Iron Man’s ‘belly button’, and he leaned back for a moment, letting the cable take his weight.

“I don’t think I really thought this through,” said Tony, in Iron Man’s modified voice. When Steve frowned, confused, he added, “Now you’re too far away.”

Steve grinned and used the suit’s shoulder handhold to pull himself closer. “I believe you promised me a dance, Mr. Stark.”

Tony fired his repulsors, lifting off the floor and out toward the deck entrance. Once they had cleared the tower, he wrapped one arm around Steve’s back, using the other to spin them slowly in the clear night sky.

“How’s this?” he asked.



Current Mood:


steve/tony, fanfiction, mcu, writerverse

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