[Stargate: Series] "Two Gentlemen - Victorian AU" [John/Rodney]

Jun 18, 2023 03:37

Victorian AU - John is a policeman, Rodney is still a scientist, and they live in London together...

01. Two Gentlemen
G...589 words
Rodney runs afoul of a gambling house’s ruffians, but is soon rescued by a handsome policeman…

02. Going Home
G...400 words
John and Rodney go to a party.

03. Safely Home
G...451 words
John returns home after a police patrol.

04. In the Night
G...487 words
“I thought you were asleep.”

05. Common Solution
G...517 words
“It’s sweet of you to wait up for me.”

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series, two_gentlemen_verse, john/rodney, stargate atlantis

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