[Star Trek: Drabble] "Expertise" [G]

May 20, 2023 02:25

Title: Expertise
Author: Ami Ven
Prompt: writerverse phase 21, challenge 38 secondary character POV
Word Count: 482
Rating: G
Fandom: Star Trek (TOS)
Character(s): M’Benga, Christine Chapel, Spock
Summary: Despite being Starfleet’s expert on Vulcan anatomy, M’Benga had never treated a Vulcan serving in Starfleet.


Despite being Starfleet’s expert on Vulcan anatomy, M’Benga had never treated a Vulcan serving in Starfleet.

He had been aboard the Enterprise for almost three months before he realized it, but it wasn’t immediately surprising. Commander Spock was currently the only Vulcan in Starfleet, and officers were only required to have their physicals once every Terran year.

But three months in, M’Benga had gone to update some medical files and realized that Spock had been treated or examined at least six times since he’d come aboard, and not once had M’Benga been the one to examine him.

As a physician and a Starfleet officer, that didn’t bother him at all. As long as his crew got proper medical care, it didn’t matter who had been the one providing it. But M’Benga had been specifically assigned to the Enterprise after the incident with Spock’s father, and he was surprised that neither McCoy or Spock himself had requested his expertise.

“Oh,” said Nurse Chapel, when he tentatively brought up the subject. “It’s nothing against you, Dr. M’Benga, I can assure you of that.”

“Then what?” he asked. “Commander Spock or Dr. McCoy would have said something if either of them had a problem with me, certainly.”

“They would, if either of them did,” Chapel agreed. “But I promise that neither of them doubt your skills. In fact, if we ever have another problem like we did with Ambassador Sarek, I know they would both very much rely on your experience.”

M’Benga frowned. “I studied all of Vulcan medicine, not just surgery.”

She smiled. “I’m sure you did. And logically, I’m sure Mr. Spock appreciates that. But you’re not his best friend.”

“What? You mean Dr. McCoy?”

“And the captain, of course. If anyone was ever going to make me believe in destiny, it would be those three.”

“But…” M’Benga began, then paused. He’d been so concerned with Vulcan physiology that he hadn’t considered Vulcan psychology. “Isn’t that illogical?”

“Oh, yes,” Chapel smiled, and left.

And once she’d said it, M’Benga couldn’t believe he hadn’t seen it before.

McCoy, Spock, and Kirk always seemed to be in each other’s orbits. They went on most landing parties together and when they came back, the doctor usually insisted on examining the other two himself. The doctor often went up to the bridge, and the captain often wandered down to sickbay, but it wasn’t until Spock came in during one of M’Benga’s shifts that everything became clear.

“I’m afraid Dr. McCoy just went off-duty,” M’Benga said, “But perhaps I could help you, commander?”

Spock paused. “It is of no importance, Dr. M’Benga, I shall return at another time.”

M’Benga watched him go, then shook his head, smiling.

He went to the computer terminal and started looking through the medical records. Until his expertise about Vulcans was needed, maybe he could learn to be an expert in something else…


Current Mood:


drabble, star trek, writerverse

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