[Supernatural: Drabble] "Random Acts of Kindness" [Cas/Dean, G]

Feb 10, 2023 04:05

Title: Random Acts of Kindness
Author: Ami Ven
Prompt: writerverse phase 23, challenge 30, prompt 04 almost empty
Word Count: 695
Rating: G
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing(s): Castiel/Dean Winchester
Summary: “Baby’s almost empty - and so are you.”

Random Acts of Kindness

As Dean pulled the Impala to a stop next to the gas pump, Castiel stirred in the passenger seat.

“Are we home already?” he asked.

“Nah, but Baby’s almost empty and-” Cas’s stomach rumbled loudly, and Dean grinned, “-and so are you. I’ll pick you up something inside, okay?”

“Corn chips, please,” said Cas, closing his eyes again.

“Sure thing,” Dean told him. He patted Cas’s knee, then got out of the car.

It was a nice night, just enough of a breeze that Dean shrugged his jacket back on, but refreshing after three hours straight in the car. As he stood waiting for the Impala’s tank to fill, he could just make out the top of Cas’s head over the back of the front bench seat.

He wasn’t worried about the angel sleeping - for once, a hunt had gone easily. The ghost had been dealt with before anyone was seriously hurt, including Dean, who’d only gotten a few scrapes and bruises that Cas had healed instantly. And it turned out that the owner of the newly-not-haunted house also owned a bakery. Their reward of three delicious-looking pies were sitting in the cooler on the back seat.

But on the way out of town, they’d passed a large industrial-looking building and Cas had asked him to pull in. It was a hospital, but Cas was already out of the car before Dean could ask him why they were there. The angel came back out twenty-seven minutes later - Dean had sent a quick prayer, giving Cas thirty minutes before he got worried and came in after him - looking tired but happy, and fell asleep against the passenger door before they’d hit the highway.

Dean was curious about what Cas had been up to, but he was trying to be better at healthy communication and not assuming the worst. He could wait until Cas was ready to tell him.

The gas tank finished filling, so Dean went inside to pay and grab their snacks. Cas blinked awake when Dean tossed the bag of corn chips into his lap. “And I got you a ginger ale,” the Hunter added. “Didn’t know how you were feeling.”

“Just tired,” said Cas, smiling. “But thank you. Actually, I now believe I understand what humans mean when they say they are ‘pleasantly sore’.”

Dean kept his attention on merging them back onto the highway. “Yeah?”

There was silence for a moment, then Cas said, “I went to the pediatric ward. At the hospital.” He paused and Dean didn’t push, letting him organize his thoughts. “Angels have rarely come to Earth in the last few millennia. And when we did, it was with a specific objective, often not related to humanity at all. We did our Father’s will. It never would have occurred to me to do anything else.”

“But now it does,” said Dean.

“Yes. Angels did not understand the concept of kindness, of doing something nice simply because we could. But I have lived among humans, I have been human. So when I healed you tonight, Dean, such a tiny fraction of what my grace is capable of, I had a very great desire to use more of my grace’s potential. The hospital seemed the proper place, and the children the most deserving.”

“That’s… that’s sweet, Cas,” said Dean. “Are we going to hear about miracles cures on the news tomorrow?”

The angel shook his head. “I didn’t actually cure anyone, I merely used my grace to give their own bodies the strength to fight their illnesses.”

“And you’re sure you’re okay?”

“I’m fine, Dean,” Cas assured him. “I’ve been fed and I’m being driven home. When I get there, I will be able to take a long, relaxing bath with someone who loves me.”

“Sure,” Dean agreed, then smirked, “I’m sure Sam’d be great at washing your hair.”

Cas used the backs of his fingers to smack Dean’s knee, and the Hunter caught his hand, laughing.

“A bath sounds pretty good, Cas,” he said. “I’ll even wash your hair.”

“I look forward to it,” the angel yawned, and fell back asleep to the rumble of the Impala’s engine.


Current Mood:


supernatural, drabble, cas/dean, writerverse

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