[NCIS: Drabble] "Not Done" [G]

Aug 09, 2021 01:38

Title: Not Done
Author: Ami Ven
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Prompt: ncisdrabble100 challenge 751 ‘at any cost’
Character(s): Kasie Hines, Jimmy Palmer
Summary: “You can’t stop now.”

Not Done

“That’s it - I’m done,” wheezed Kasie, slowing to a stop and leaning on her knees.

Jimmy stopped beside her. “You’ve come this far, you can’t stop now.”

“Oh - I can - and - I will,” she panted.

“Weren’t you the one pushing me when we started?”

“I was young and foolish then.”

He frowned. “It was only two hours ago.”

“Has it been only two hours?” Kasie asked. “It feels like days…”

“You can’t stop now,” repeated Jimmy, “because we only have another hour, then we’ll finish the half-marathon and raise all that money for the children’s hospital.”

“Oh. Right. Let’s go.”


Current Mood:


ncisdrabble100, drabble, ncis

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