[Back to the Future: Drabble] "Undergrad" [G]

Jun 11, 2021 03:28

Title: Undergrad
Author: Ami Ven
Prompt: writerverse phase 21, challenge 28, prompt 12 “This is all best guess, commander. That’s all science is, is best guess.” (Dr. Conrad Zimsky, The Core)
Word Count: 485
Fandom: Back to the Future
Character(s): Marty McFly, Doc Brown
Summary: “Have you given any thought to what you’ll study when you go to college?”


“Well, Marty,” said Doc, as they tidied the lab one afternoon. “Have you given any thought to what you’ll study when you go to college?”

“College?” Marty repeated.

Most of the other seniors at school were already discussing where they’d applied and where they’d been accepted, but Marty hadn’t really given it much thought. In the original 1985 that he remembered, his father hadn’t made enough to send any of his children to college - it hadn’t even been an option. But this new version of George McFly, who had written a best-selling a novel and played tennis at a country club, talked like it was a given that his youngest son would be continuing his education.

In the original timeline, Marty might have had wild dreams of making his fortune as a rock musician, but he’d always feared he’d end up in a dead-end office job like his dad, like his future self in 2015.

But everything was different now. There were possibilities.

“I mean, yeah, college,” said Marty. “But I don’t know if I’ll even get in.”

“Of course you will,” said Doc, easily. “Though you should probably get started on your applications. Just let me know how many recommendation letters you need me to write.”

Marty blinked. “Really? Thanks, Doc!”

“It’s for my own benefit, too, you know. Clara and I have already discussed that we’d like you to join us, once you’ve finished your education.”

“Join you?” Marty repeated.

Since Doc had brought his family forward in time, he had been working to establish a legitimate science lab, along with bringing Clara, Jules and Verne up to speed on life in 1985. Marty had been helping the boys with some of the pop culture stuff - video games and comic books, things like that - but he hadn’t known too much about what Doc and Clara had been doing.

“Well,” said Doc. “I wouldn’t want to dissuade you if you’ve already made up your mind. But I was hoping you might want to pursue a career in science.”

“But I don’t know anything about science,” the younger man protested.

Doc smiled. “You know a lot more than you think you do, Marty. And besides, that’s what science is all about - not knowing. College will give you some of the tools to help you learn, but for the most part, a scientist is just someone who goes out and tries.”

“Really? You think I could?”

“Of course!” Doc said again. “Marty, you’ve been my assistant for years, now. It may not have seemed like it to you, but you’ve always been able to understand my experiments better than anyone - except Clara, of course.”

“She is a special lady,” Marty agreed. “But I… I mean, where would I even apply?”

Doc smiled. “Why don’t you come have dinner with us tomorrow, and we’ll talk about some options.”

Marty smiled back. “That would be great. Thanks, Doc.”


Current Mood:


drabble, back to the future, writerverse

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