Title: Private Party
Author: Ami Ven
Rating: G
Word Count: 300
Prompt: amazingly late birthday present for
sexycazzyFandom: Stargate Atlantis
Pairing(s): Evan Lorne/David Parrish
Summary: “Nobody could know this would turn out to be a global pandemic.”
Private Party
“And I thought the twenty-four hour quarantine at Midway was going to be a problem,” muttered Evan, as he untied his boots.
“Nobody could know this would turn out to be a global pandemic,” said David. “And at least this is happening at the end of our trip. We did get to see our families.”
“Yes, that’s true, but…”
Evan sighed.
It had been his turn to report in person to the SGC and David had requested to go with him. It had seemed strange enough to find bottles of hand sanitizer suddenly all over Cheyenne Mountain, and to learn that all unnecessary gate travel had been temporarily suspended, but just two days before their scheduled return to Atlantis, the state of Colorado had enacted a full lockdown.
Evan hadn’t been paying much attention to the news while they’d been here on earth, but apparently, there was a two-week potential incubation period for this new virus, and they wouldn’t be allowed to leave the Milky Way until they were cleared.
“I just… Evan sighed again. “Tomorrow is your birthday. We were supposed to be back in Atlantis, and I had plans.”
David moved to sit beside him on the bed. “You plan the best parties.”
“I really do,” agreed Evan.
“And as much as I love all our friends, I think you’re overlooking a very clear silver lining.”
“We may be stuck here at the SGC,” said David, with a slow smile, “But we’re in a fairly soundproof room that we’re under orders not to leave, and we have no responsibilities and no one who’ll come looking for us anytime soon.”
“Oh,” said Evan. “Oh. Dr. Parrish, you have a dirty mind.”
“Good thing you married me, then, isn’t it?”
Evan leaned in to kiss him. “Very good thing.”
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