[DC: Drabble] "Amazonian Luck" [Bruce/Diana, G]

Nov 20, 2020 02:25

Title: Amazonian Luck
Author: Ami Ven
Prompt: writerverse phase 24, challenge 22 (romance genre)
Word Count: 352
Rating: G
Fandom: Justice League (any ‘verse)
Pairings: Bruce Wayne/Diana Prince
Summary: “Bruce Wayne, do not smirk at me like that!”

Amazonian Luck

“It is an injustice!” said Diana, pacing the length of the drawing room. “I cannot believe nothing has been done about this before now. I will petition your government - the governments of all nations. I will - Bruce Wayne, do not smirk at me like that!”

He worked hard to clear his expression, and only partly succeeded. “I’m sorry,” he said, sincerely. “I wasn’t smirking about that.”

“Then what?” she demanded.

“First,” said Bruce, “I promise that I will help you with this, whatever you decide to do, all right?”

“All right,” said Diana. He held out his hand, and she took it, smiling. “And second?”

“I was smirking because I was just thinking how very, very lucky I am to have found you. I just… I never thought I would ever have this, you, something real.”

“Because of your late-night activities?” she asked, teasing.

He smiled back. “That came later. No, growing up as rich as my family was, it made all kinds of relationships hard. Did anyone like me for me, or just for my money? Did anyone want to date me because they liked me, or because they wanted to marry rich? And the women who were already rich… let’s just say, we didn’t have much in common, even before my ‘late-night activities’.”

Bruce paused, holding her hand in both of his. “I suppose, I began to think that I would always be alone. Until I met you.”

“Maybe I am only with you for your money,” said Diana.

“Oh, are you, Your Highness?”

She laughed and leaned in to kiss him, briefly. “Maybe not,” she allowed. “Or, maybe I am with you because you are good and kind and smart and-”

Diana broke off as he kissed her, long and deep this time. “And I love that you even think those things, let alone say them out loud.”

“And I shall keep repeating them,” she said, bringing her free hand up to his face. “Until you believe me.”

“It might be a long time,” Bruce warned her, softly.

“I am very patient.”

He smiled. “I love you, too.”


Current Mood:


dc, drabble, justice league, bruce/diana, writerverse

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