[Star Trek/Bones: Drabble] "Dem Bones" [G]

Nov 19, 2020 02:53

Title: Dem Bones
Author: Ami Ven
Prompt: writerverse phase 24, challenge 11, prompts‘Bones’ & Star Trek (2009)
Bonus: exactly 100 words
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Fandom: Star Trek AOS / Bones
Character(s): Jim Kirk, Leonard McCoy, Temperance Brennan
Summary: Kirk never knew it was such a common nickname.

Dem Bones

Kirk finally spotted his CMO, “Bones!”

McCoy turned toward him, scowling - and so did the woman beside him. “What?” she demanded. “Where’s Booth?”

“Who?” asked Kirk.

“Agent Booth. He must have sent you, if you know his ridiculous nickname for me.”

“Actually, he meant me, ma’am,” said McCoy. He held out a hand, all Southern charm. “Leonard McCoy, at your service.”

She continued to frown, but shook his hand. “Dr. Temperance Brennan. Why does he call you ‘Bones’?”

“Short for ‘sawbones’,” said Kirk. “He’s a doctor. And you?”

“I’m a forensic anthropologist,” she said. “I work with the dead.”



Current Mood:


drabble, star trek reboot, bones, writerverse

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