[Star Trek: Drabble] "Moderation" [G]

Nov 19, 2020 02:09

Title: Moderation
Author: Ami Ven
Prompt: writerverse prompt 24, challenge 05, prompts ‘eggs benedict’ & “Live long and prosper” (Star Trek TOS)
Word Count: 210
Rating: G
Fandom: Star Trek (The Original Series)
Character(s): Jim Kirk, Spock
Summary: Kirk and Spock share breakfast on the Enterprise.


“Don’t say it, Mr. Spock!”

The science officer paused momentarily, then resumed taking a seat at the mess table. “I was not about to make any statement, captain, excepting perhaps ‘Good morning’.”

Kirk snorted. “I’m sure Bones didn’t find anything to complain about at your last physical.”

“His commentary was colorful as always,” said Spock, “but he expressed no particular concerns about my health.”

“Well, I don’t need lectures from you, too,” he said, and took a large bite of his breakfast.

The captain appeared to be eating a typical Earth dish - some kind of thin bread, sliced meat and a cooked egg, covered in a creamy sauce. “You believe I should have some objection to your meal?” asked Spock.

“Eggs benedict?” said Kirk, around another large bite. “It’s pretty much everything Bones told me to avoid. Covered in butter.”

Spock paused. “Captain, we frequently eat our morning meals together and I have recently observed you eating many things that, no doubt, the good doctor would consider healthy, for a human.”

“I have tried,” Kirk agreed.

“Then perhaps this instance falls under the adage All things in moderation, including moderation.”

The captain smiled. “I’ll be sure to have some green vegetables tomorrow.”

“I’m sure Dr. McCoy would approve,” agreed Spock.


Current Mood:


drabble, star trek, writerverse

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